
Mei Lanfang, styled Wan Hua and known as the Master of Zhuiyu Pavilion, was born in Taizhou, Jiangsu, during the 20th year of the Guangxu reign in Beijing. He began studying the art of opera at the age of eight and apprenticed under Wu Lingxian at nine, specializing in the role of Qingyi. At eleven, he made his debut, astonishing the audience with his performance. From then on, he diligently cultivated his craft, creating timeless masterpieces.


After the Xinhai Revolution, he traveled three times to Japan and further ventured to America and the Soviet Union, promoting Chinese opera and earning widespread acclaim. He was awarded honorary doctorates in literature from Pomona College and the University of Southern California, which were significant honors. Later, he served as the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association, making outstanding contributions to the preservation and promotion of traditional opera. He remained loyal to his country until his sudden passing in Beijing on the 8th day of the 8th month of the year of Xin Chou, aged 67. His lifelong dedication to the arts made him a paragon of virtue and skill in the world of opera, revered for centuries.

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Throughout his life, Mei Lanfang remained steadfast in his pursuit of excellence, continuously innovating and perfecting his craft. His dedication set a standard of professionalism. He integrated the essence of various arts into the Peking opera stage, refining the singing and acting of Dan roles to perfection, thus establishing a new style and founding the influential Mei School. His unique artistic style is best exemplified in operas such as "Farewell My Concubine," "The Drunken Beauty," "Mu Guiying Takes Command," "Love and Death," "The Heavenly Maiden Scatters Blossoms," and "Chang'e Flies to the Moon." Over fifty years on stage, he developed the Dan role’s singing and acting into a distinguished school, later known as the Mei School, admired and perpetuated by future generations. Mei's conduct and artistry became a benchmark in the world of opera, revered for eternity.


During the War of Resistance, influenced by Li Linsi's principle of "non-violent non-cooperation," Mei Lanfang displayed the wisdom and courage of the older generation of intellectuals when faced with threats and temptations from the enemy. Shortly after the Japanese occupied Shanghai, they, knowing Mei's worldwide fame, sent emissaries to invite him to the radio station to declare his service as a "Royal Musician." Sensing their ulterior motives, Mei decided to leave Shanghai for Hong Kong to avoid entanglement. He sent word to the Japanese, claiming he was to perform elsewhere, and secretly left with his family and troupe under the cover of night. In Hong Kong, Mei secluded himself, refusing to appear in public. During the war, he resolutely grew a beard as a sign of his resolve, refusing to perform for the enemy, demonstrating his unyielding spirit. This story became a celebrated anecdote, widely praised throughout China, greatly inspiring the Chinese people’s resolve to resist the invaders.

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Mei Lanfang's pursuit of excellence was not limited to the Peking opera stage. He also made significant strides in the field of painting and calligraphy, with his works widely collected. The initiation of Mei's interest in painting is credited to Luo Yigong, a disciple of Kang Youwei, who introduced him to his first painting teacher, Wang Mengbai. Through Wang's introduction, Mei met various notable figures in Beijing's art circles, among whom Qi Baishi was the most significant.


In the ninth year of the Republic of China, when Qi Baishi was fifty-eight, they met for the first time. Qi admired Mei's gentle disposition and courteous manners. On that day, Qi demonstrated his exquisite brushwork on grass insects, while Mei sang a captivating excerpt from "The Drunken Beauty," impressing Qi with his melodious voice. This meeting marked the beginning of their friendship and artistic collaboration. Several years later, Mei formally apprenticed under Qi Baishi to study painting. Despite Mei's established fame in the opera world, Qi remarked, "Your renown honors me; there is no need for formalities." However, Mei insisted on the formal ceremony, showing great respect and solemnity. Though nominally master and disciple, they were truly both teacher and friend. Mei was highly dedicated to his painting studies, visiting Qi's residence regularly whenever he was free from rehearsals and performances. Each time, he would bow and greet his master respectfully. Mei's diligent practice in painting insects soon led to works of remarkable lifelikeness, earning high praise.


Mei's dedication to painting was akin to his devotion to opera; he respected his teachers as he would his own father and worked tirelessly. His achievements were not accomplished overnight; they were the result of his exceptional artistry and moral integrity. His accomplishments in painting, fostered by renowned mentors and personal diligence, established him as a celebrated artist. His paintings are widely collected and praised, rivaling his fame in opera. Mei's style was elegant and refined.

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Mei Lanfang achieved remarkable success in the field of painting and calligraphy, combining traditional meticulous techniques with contemporary aesthetics. His paintings often featured flowers, landscapes, and figures, characterized by fine brushwork, vibrant colors, serene compositions, and poetic ambiance. Each piece was like a dream or a poem, imbued with profound meaning, captivating viewers. Mei's artistic mastery, dynamic creativity, and enduring elegance were unparalleled.
