


Visitors who have ever been to Jinci Temple in Shanxi Province will remember the "Three Treasures" and the "Three Wonders" of this royal memorial garden summarized by the tour guides. The “Three Treasures” are the Holy Mother Hall, the Offerings Hall and the Flying Bridge across the Fish Pond. All of them are typical representatives of ancient architecture in China.


And the “Three Wonders” includes the Figures of Maidservants of the Song Dynasty , the Zhou Cypress and the Never-aging Spring, all of which are fantastic.


These antiquities all have a history of over a thousand years. What arouses people’s curiosity is how they survived storms, wars, earthquakes, and human destroy, and still sit here today.

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For the “Three Treasures”, the primary factor is the scientific construction of the buildings, otherwise they would have reduced to ruins.


Take the Flying Bridge across the Fish Pond as an example. It was built in front of the Holy Mother Hall as a platform.In order to erect the platform upon the Fish Pond, the ancient people put extremely corrosion-resistant stone pillars in the water, and then erected the brackets on them to link with the beams, the lintels and the cross beams.


The existing stone pillars and brackets retain their original appearance.

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Secondly, they have been well preserved because of repairing, rebuilding and expanding through the dynasties.


The current railings of the Flying Bridge across the Fish Pond were copied according to the ancient official building standards after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the bridge deck was changed from wooden boards to stone ones.


The main beams of the Offerings Hall, which was built in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), were replaced with beams of the original style and original wood in 1955.

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The earliest record of the Holy Mother Hall can be found in Li Daoyuan’s TheCommentary on the Water Classicin the Northern Wei Dynasty. However, Jinyang City was destroyed during the rule of Emperor Taizong in the Song Dynasty under the reign title of Taipingxingguo (980). In the ninth year of Taipingxingguo (984), Jinci Temple (now the Holy Mother Hall) was repaired and a monument was erected.


From then on, it was rebuilt in the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, and new buildings were constructed in its vicinity.


For example, the Holy Mother Hall and the Flying Bridge across Fish Pond were repaired, and 43 figures of maidservants were sculpted during the Tiansheng years reigned by Emperor Renzong in the Song Dynasty (1023-1032).


During the Chongning years (1102-1106) reigned by Emperor Huizong in the Song Dynasty, the Holy Mother Hall was rebuilt and given the name "Cimiao” (Temple of Mercy).


During the Zhizheng years (1342) reigned by Emperor Shundi in the Yuan Dynasty, the Holy Mother Hall was rebuilt because of the earthquake in Taiyuan.

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The governmental agencies established by Shanxi Province or Taiyuan City, such as the Heritage Management Committee, the Construction Bureau, the Bureau of Landscape and Forestry and Jinci Temple Museum, etc. have assumed responsibilities of protecting and exhibiting antiquities, building new constructions and so on since 1949.


The gate of Jinci Temple that we see today was built in 1964.

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Besides the ancient buildings, Jinci Temple boasts various antiques as well, including sculptures, art castings, inscriptions, plaques and couplets inscribed with poems and ancient trees, etc. Protection measures are tailored to their properties.


In order to reduce the corrosion caused by light, harmful gases and particles on the painted clay figures of the Song Dynasty, the inner hall of the Holy Mother Hall was closed many years ago, and visitors can only appreciate the figures from outside the threshold.


Nevertheless, today specialists can revive the static antiquities which cannot be approached or moved in the virtual world through such technologies as 3D and multimedia. Thus, visitors can appreciate these ancient figures from different angles and imagine their life.

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The catalogue of old and famous trees includes over 90 trees of Jinci Temple, of which 30 trees are more than 1000 years old.


According to the personnel of Jinci Temple Museum, they once examined these old trees by NDT technology (non-destructive testing technology). They scanned tree holes and roots by radar monitoring and other devices.


Then based on the growth of old trees, they developed different conservation programs. For example, besides daily prevention and control of diseases and pests, some trees need nourish and rejuvenate roots and improve the growing environment, some need apply preservative and curing agent and repair tree holes, and some need set supporting or pulling devices additionally, etc.

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People in the Qing Dynasty eulogized that the most beautiful place in Three Jin ( the ancient name of Shanxi Province) was Jinyang (the ancient name of Taiyuan City), while Jinci Temple was the most picturesque place in Jinyang.


Built with a backdrop of Hanging Jar Mountain and facing east, the Jinci Temple is located in the hinterland of northern China. It is not just a coincidence that Jinci Temple has been well preserved till today and become the representative of ancient architecture and gardens and “ the epitome of ancient culture”.