
Xu Beihong,, hailed from Qiting Town, Yixing, Jiangsu. He was born on the ninth day of the sixth month in the twenty-first year of Emperor Guangxu’s reign and passed away on the sixth day of the eighth month in the year of Guisi. Beihong’s family was of humble origins. His father, Xu Dazhang, was skilled in poetry, calligraphy, and painting, particularly excelling in seal carving; his mother, Madam Lu, was simple and virtuous. From a young age, Beihong followed his father in studying poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving, thus laying a solid foundation in traditional culture.

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In the eighth year of the Republic, Beihong went to France to study oil painting and sketching. During his sojourn in Western art circles, he remained deeply connected to Chinese painting, contemplating new values and meanings in art. His unique insights enabled him to skillfully debate the dialectic of "tradition" and "innovation." Beihong’s artistry began with Chinese painting, understanding its history and essence. He criticized the limitations of conservative thought and content, while promoting the quintessence of traditional Chinese art, guiding the art world’s gaze back to the expansive and majestic spirit of Tang and Song dynasty paintings, affirming the systemic value of Chinese painting as a representative of Eastern art.

Xu Beihong expressed his emotions and ideals through painting horses. His horses, except for the one in "Jiu Fang Gao," which had a bridle, were typically depicted without saddle or bridle, symbolizing freedom and reflecting the people's love for liberty. As the fate of the nation fluctuated, Beihong’s portrayal of horses evolved with the times. Horses painted before the liberation were either galloping, standing still, or yearning; after the liberation, with the rejuvenation of the nation and its people, his horses were depicted as galloping and leaping joyously, vividly expressing the artist’s strong emotions.




The beauty of art lies in the artist’s subjective emotions intermingling with objective imagery. Early in his career, Beihong inscribed on a painting of horses: "This night must not be a long night; the vast wilderness will eventually come to an end." Another inscription reads: "The way ahead is clear, worth remembering life and death." These inscriptions not only reflected the darkness of the old society but also conveyed a yearning for light. Upon his return to New China, one of his paintings of galloping horses was inscribed with: "The mountains and rivers return to the people after a hundred battles, removing all obstacles for a smooth path." This was a celebration of the birth of New China. Beihong used horses to symbolize people and express his patriotic sentiments through his art.

In his artistic pursuits, Xu Beihong advocated realism, emphasizing the importance of accurate representation and the study of nature. He excelled in sketching, oil painting, and traditional Chinese painting. His sketches, often of people and portraits, were precise and accurate, emphasizing the combination of line and form; his oil paintings, focusing on figures and landscapes, conveyed themes of patriotism and humanitarianism; his Chinese paintings uniquely combined Western techniques with traditional Chinese art.

Beihong’s sketches skillfully integrated the "line drawing" techniques of Chinese painting with the "chiaroscuro" of Western art, showcasing the spirit of Chinese visual arts. In his thematic creations of oil and Chinese paintings, he often chose subjects from Chinese history and culture, narrating stories imbued with Chinese spirit. In the development of Chinese painting in the twentieth century, he advocated "learning from nature," highly valuing the traditions of the Song and Yuan dynasties, and emphasizing the revival of the essence of figure painting from those periods. In his creation of Chinese paintings and figure paintings, he achieved a harmonious unity of brushwork and form, establishing a distinctive style that reflected the new era of Chinese painting, leaving a profound influence on the art world.

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Among the first generation of oil painters, Xu Beihong was the one who received the most extensive formal training from the French academic school. During his eight years in Europe, he honed his keen observational skills and ability to accurately and swiftly convey his impressions, most notably in his numerous figure sketches. The study of the human form, the most crucial and challenging subject in visual arts, was a key focus of Beihong’s sketches, influenced by classicism, emphasizing structural understanding and capturing the dynamics and rhythm of the human body with meticulous, profound, solid, and simple lines.

Beihong’s oil paintings benefited from the techniques of color and form between neoclassicism and impressionism. His approach to color was rigorous, emphasizing the contrast between warm and cool tones. In his portraits and figure paintings, he boldly used purple and green hues, making the colors on the canvas shimmer with light. His focus in form was on solving issues of anatomy, proportion, chiaroscuro, and spatial relationships. His use of color never exceeded the boundaries of form expression; in the relationship between form and color, he placed greater emphasis on the presentation and enhancement of sketch relationships.

In 1927, Xu Beihong returned to China and dedicated himself to art creation and education for the rest of his life, striving to establish a theoretical system for Chinese art education. He advocated that "sketching is the foundation of visual arts," proposing sketching principles such as "prefer angularity over roundness, prefer roughness over cleanliness, prefer clumsiness over cleverness." In teaching, he guided students to cultivate comprehensive knowledge, seeking truth and beauty. He proposed the artistic concept of "pursuing precision and achieving greatness," inspiring future generations and leaving a lasting legacy.
