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管伟骏,1956 年出生于上海,1990 年赴比利时留学,就读 于比利时皇家美术学院,1993 年前往法国巴黎第八大学造型 艺术系深造,获硕士学位,上海伟骏文化艺术有限公司董事长。现为比利时皇家美术家协会会员、比利时功勋美术家协会会员、上海美术家协会会员、上海华东理工大学商学院客座教授,比利时“欧中文化艺术交流中心"主席、法国国际艺术城访问学者曾荣获比利时"瓦隆尼国际艺术大奖赛“国际金奖,法国"尼斯国际艺术大奖赛”一等奖等十几个国际大奖,多次在比利时、法国、荷兰、卢森堡、西班牙等国举办个人画展。 2003 年比利时美术出版社为他出版个人画册,并被编入比利时艺术家辞典。曾应邀为比利时国王与皇后画肖像并被比利时皇家收藏。2016 胡润百富》艺术榜第二十二位·和前 10名在世国宝油画艺术家第八名。

Guan Weijun, born in Shanghai in 1956, went to Belgium in 1990 to study at the Royal Belgian Academy of Fine Arts. In 1993, he went to France to study at the Department of Plastic Arts and obtained a master's degree. He is the chairman of Shanghai Weijun Culture and Art Co., LTD. He is now a member of the Royal Belgian Artists Association, a member of the Belgian Merit-based Artists Association, a member of the Shanghai Artists Association, a visiting professor of the Business School of East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai, the chairman of the Belgian "Europe-China Culture and Art Exchange Center", and a visiting scholar of the French International Art City. He has won the International Gold Medal of the Belgian "Wallonia International Art Prix" and the French "Nice International Art Prix" More than a dozen international awards, such as prize, many times in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain and other countries held a personal exhibition. In 2003, the Belgian Fine Arts Publishing House published a solo album of his paintings, which was compiled into the Dictionary of Belgian artists. He was invited to paint portraits of the Kings and queens of Belgium and was included in the Belgian Royal Collection. No. 22 on the 2016 Hurun Report Art List and No. 8 on the top 10 Living National Treasure oil painting artists.

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