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芮锡明,男,出生于1965年8月,江苏宜兴人。现任江苏宜申文化传播有限公司、上海方玮电线电缆有限公司、锦江都城上海复旦大学酒店 董事长、总经理,北京华夏书画院副院长。


由央台己选为 2024全国两会《艺术献两会新时代文艺先锋人物》

2023年由CCTV《艺术名家》《艺术传承》栏目组特授予中国书画艺术创作基地(中国 上海)。

2023年由中国华夏巨匠书画院、中国传统文化发展委员会、中国华夏盛世墨彩书画院授予“中国国礼艺术大师”荣誉称号。 几年来一直参与做公益事业活动,並担任相关职务:




芮锡明自幼酷爱书法,小时候经常在墙上和地上练习写字。学校毕业 后在镇企业从事政工文秘工作,当时写文稿刻腊纸油印文件,用毛笔写企业通知规章制度等练成了一手好字。1992年3月在远东电缆驻沪从事营销工作27年。2019年后自己创建公司,现事业有成有时间静下心来,通过上网课(及象书画院书法培训)对书法的专业知识有了更深的理解,在家临摹王義之、赵孟頫、欧阳询、颜真卿、孙过庭、黄庭坚等古人的字贴。学习当代田蕴章的欧体田楷书及书协名家的笔法和章法,探寻其奥妙,找到其精髓。使自己的技法有了更快的提升。其书法作品得到同行及广大网友的关注和好评,秉承作品要有独具的面貌和艺术上的特色,必须情满润笔,一丝不苟,千锤百炼,现被评为具有潜力的艺术家并在国内多次比赛中获得较高荣誉和奖项。

Rui Ximing, male, was born in August 1965 in Yixing, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from Wuxi Technical School. Currently, he is the chairman and general manager of Jiangsu Yishen Culture Communication Co., LTD., Shanghai Fangwei Wire and Cable Co., LTD., and Jinjiang Capital Shanghai Fudan University Hotel.In 2023, it will be awarded the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Creation Base (Shanghai, China) by CCTV "Art Masters" and "Art Inheritance" column group.In 2023, it will be awarded the honorary title of "Master of Chinese National Ceremony Art" by China Huaxia Juzi Calligraphy and Painting Academy, China Traditional Culture Development Committee and China Huaxia Shengshi Ink Color Calligraphy and Painting Academy. For several years, he has been involved in public welfare activities and held related positions:In 2019, he was awarded the Ambassador of the Global (Hangzhou) Entrepreneur ForumIn 2020, he served as the deputy director of the Outreach Department of the Shanghai Rescue Corps of China International Rescue Center, obtained the practicing qualification certificate of Shenzhen Cultural Property Exchange, and served as the assistant director of the National Major Office. In 2021, he will be the chairman of User Development Committee of Shanghai Desen International Star Club, and in 2022, he will be the director and Love Ambassador of APODC Asia-Pacific Culture and Art Alliance.In 2023, he served as the chief of the young Writers Bureau in Huangpu River. At the same time, he takes Yishen Cultural Communication Company as a platform, in line with the concept of inheritance, appreciation and sharing, in the fields of calligraphy and painting, sand POTS, jade products, health tourism, etc., to hold various exchanges and discussions, and activities are in full swing. Based on Wuyue culture and Shanghai school culture, it radiates from the Yangtze River Delta to the mainland and abroad. And in response to the national Belt and Road great strategy. Focus on making culture and art truly become the so

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