Wealthy American wallets to take momentous hit from US recession美国富人的钱包将受到美国经济衰退的重创

Steve Forbes on whether the US is headed for a ‘richcession’ in 2023史提夫·福布斯谈美国是否会在2023年走向“富人衰退”

译者:百贝翻译 www.baibeitrans.com

Millionaire and Forbes Media’s CEO warned that wealthy wallets may already be taking "big hits" from aninevitable economic recessioncoming this year.百万富翁兼福布斯媒体首席执行官警告说,富人的钱包可能已经受到今年即将到来的不可避免的经济衰退的“重创”。

"The big hits are going to come in 2023," Steve Forbes told FOX Business’ Stuart Varney Monday. "In terms of an asset recession, I think you're going to see it and you're going to see it even more as the year wears on. That doesn't mean you should shed tears, but they're taking a proportionate hit in a ways they haven't done in past recessions. This whole era we're in now is so different from anything we've had before."史提夫·福布斯周一对福克斯商业频道的斯图尔特·瓦尼说:“重创将在2023年出现。”“就资产衰退而言,我认为你将会看到,而且随着时间的推移,你将会看到更多。这并不意味着你应该流泪,但他们正以过去衰退中从未有过的方式受到相应的打击。我们现在所处的整个时代与以往任何时候都大不相同。”

On "Varney & Co.," Forbes weighed in on his namesake magazine’s latest op-ed signaling that the U.S. economy is headed for a "richcession," predicting the wealthiest Americans could lose the most capital amid volatile markets.在“Varney & Co.”节目中,福布斯对其同名杂志的最新专栏文章进行了评论,该文章表示美国经济正在走向“富人衰退”,并预测最富有的美国人可能在动荡的市场中损失最多资本。

"When a recession is on the horizon, the rich usually don’t have to worry too much. They’re usually in a good position to ride out the rough economic times, the last to be affected and the first to recover value," theForbes article read该福布斯文章写道,“当经济衰退即将来临的时候,富人通常不必太担心。他们通常处于有利地位,能够度过艰难的经济时期,最后受到影响,最先恢复价值,”该福布斯文章写道。“但如果是富人衰退,美国富人可能会感到他们的预算面临独特的压力。”


The CEO further cautioned that markets are currently reacting to expectations of doing "a little better" and hopes of a less hawkish Federal Reserve, clouding judgment around upcoming crises.这位首席执行官进一步提醒说,目前市场对经济表现“好一点”的预期和美联储不那么鹰派的希望做出了反应,从而妨碍了围绕即将发生的危机的判断。

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The economic recession Americans are facing in 2023 "is so different from anything we've had before," according to Forbes Media CEO Steve Forbes on "Varney & Co." Monday, January 9, 2023. (iStock)福布斯媒体首席执行官史提夫·福布斯在2023年1月9日周一的“Varney & Co.”节目中表示,美国人在2023年面临的经济衰退“与我们以前经历过的任何事情都不一样”。(iStock)

"You have consumers in debt, their savings rate is now down to a little more than 2%, you have companies that were accustomed to getting free money for year after year after year," Forbes explained to Varney. "Suddenly they're paying real money for that once free money, and a lot of companies and countries are going to be in crisis. So I think a lot of turbulence is going to be lying ahead. Not good for asset values."“消费者负债累累,他们的储蓄率现在下降到2%多一点,公司习惯于年复一年地获得免费资金,”福布斯向Varney解释说。“突然间,他们要为那曾经免费的钱付出真金白银,很多公司和国家都将陷入危机。所以我认为前方会有很多动荡。对资产价值不利。”

Last week, Sound Planning Group CEO David Stryzewski voiced similar economic concerns, warning that 2022 was the beginning of上周,Sound Planning Group首席执行官David Stryzewski表达了类似的经济担忧,他警告说,2022年是“失去的十年”的开头

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videovideoUS economy entering 'a lost decade': David StryzewskiDavid Stryzewski:美国经济进入“失去的十年”

Sound Planning Group CEO David Stryzewski argues the economy's facing Federal Reserve, bond market and real estate bubbles.Sound Planning Group首席执行官David Stryzewski认为,美国经济正面临美联储、债券市场和房地产泡沫。

"[In] 2022, we saw the stock market hit its record highs and then now we've seen the market go down. So it’s the worst time that we've actually seen for both stocks and bonds in this one-off year," Stryzewski previously said.“(在)2022年,我们看到股市创下历史新高,然后现在我们看到市场下跌。因此,这是我们在这一年中看到的股票和债券最糟糕的时候。”Stryzewski此前表示。

"And so as we look forward to the future here over the next 10 years," he continued, "I think that a lost decade is very likely, given the fact that we have so much pressure coming from so many different areas all at once."“因此,当我们展望未来10年时,”他继续说道,“我认为很有可能会出现一个失去的10年,因为我们同时面临来自如此多不同领域的如此大的压力。”

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You don’t need to put the economy through the ringer to stabilize the dollar: Steve Forbes史提夫·福布斯:你不需要让经济经历磨难来稳定美元

Forbes Media Chairman Steve Forbes dissects how the Fed is handling inflation heading into 2023 on ‘Fox Business Tonight.’福布斯传媒董事长斯蒂夫·福布斯在《今夜福克斯商业》节目中剖析了美联储如何应对2023年前的通胀。

To prepare for recession, the Forbes op-ed by Q.ai recommends three key tips for any asset class: build an emergency fund, cut back on discretionary purchases and keep yourresume on standby.为了准备应对经济衰退,Q.ai在《福布斯》的专栏文章中为任何资产类别推荐了三个关键提示:建立应急基金,减少随意购买的东西,并保持你的恢复待命状态。

"I don't know about brave, but it is a very new world, and things get turned upside down," Forbes said on Monday. "One of the good things, though, that’s going to happen, I think thanks to Elon Musk and others, is this whole woke-ism is going to be put on defense rather than being on offense. People are just sick and tired of it."“我不知道勇敢与否,但这是一个非常新的世界,事情会发生天翻地覆的变化,”福布斯周一说。“不过,我认为,由于埃隆·马斯克和其他人的努力,即将发生的一件好事是,整个觉醒主义将处于防御状态,而不是处于进攻状态。人们只是厌倦了。”

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