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传奇洛杉矶/长滩哥特朋克乐队T.S.O.L.将在中国进行他们的首次巡演。作为启程特别活动,DJ BO(“上海第二DJ”)将在上海另类服饰店铺 OKVLT13 放歌,并与 T.S.O.L. 面对面聊聊他们的乐队历史和艺术创作。活动全程直播,届时国内其他城市同步举办直播观影会。中英双语,免费参加!

Join legendary Long Beach/LA goth-punk band T.S.O.L. with anin-person interviewto launch their first ever China tour. Host DJ BO (“Shanghai's #2 DJ”) will play records and ask the band about their history and art. It's happening live with an audience at alternative fashion shop OKVLT13 in Shanghai, screening at viewing parties around China, and available to livestream anywhere. English with Chinese translation. Free entry!

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T.S.O.L. 的第一个字母代表 “True”(真实),这是重点:他们的音乐是为真正的信徒而作的。尽管如此,他们始终未能深入主流视野,而是固守在边缘,毫不妥协,拒绝跨界,不择手段地保持自身独立性。他们不像70年代末80年代初的加州同行,如 X 和 Dead Kennedys;也不像那些同样推动风格发展的哥特朋克乐队,如 The Damned 和 The Misfits;更不像那些直言受他们影响、翻唱过他们歌曲的乐队,如Slayer 和 The Offspring。

The first letter in T.S.O.L. stands for “True” and that's important:It is music for the true believer.They never really broke deep into mainstream recognition, holding defiantly on the edge, resisting cross-over in a multiple of ways: not like their late-70's/early 80's California contemporaries like X and Dead Kennedys; not like fellow genre-pushing goth-punks like The Damned and The Misfits; and certainly not like the bands that cite them as an influence and cover their tunes, like Slayer and The Offspring.

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如果你被生活折磨,活人微死,喜欢快节奏的重型音乐,就算你从未听说过 T.S.O.L.,那么他们也很可能是你偶像乐队的偶像

那些接触到 T.S.O.L. 且喜爱他们的人,往往是因为音乐本身:比如《Code Blue》里令人毛骨悚然的尖锐讽刺;《Abolish Government / Silent Majority》里宣示立场的中指挑衅;又或者《Wash Away》里那段在孤独夜晚走过墓地的脚步声……

Even if you never heard of T.S.O.L., if you're into fast and heavy music with a scabby outside and weathered heart, there's a chance they are your favorite band's favorite band.

People who come across the music in T.S.O.L. are into it for their music: the caustic barbs in the macabre kiss off of “Code Blue”, the declarative middle-finger wag of “Abolish Government/Silent Majority”, or the clip of a brisk walk past a graveyard on a sad night in “Wash Away”.

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尽管能在其他地方查到 T.S.O.L. 复杂的历史过往,不过这次,包括采访和整个中国巡演,我们能见到从1983年乐队创立到1999年重组至今一直带领着 T.S.O.L. 的狂热分子主唱 Jack Grisham,原始键盘手Greg Kuehn,以及最近的乐队成员们Trevor Lucca, Antonio Hernandez, Brandon McNally。他们将续写乐队的经典并带来最近的作品。

The band has a complicated history, and you can read about that elsewhere. Just know that at this interview event and the full-China tour, you're getting the band's infamous firebrand lead singer, Jack Grisham, who lead the band from its beginning to 1983, and then for it's permanent reunion from 1999 to today. He'll be joined by the band's original keyboard player, Greg Kuehn, along with the modern-band-members Trevor Lucca, Antonio Hernandez and Brandon McNally keeping the group's legacy and current artistry alive.

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T.S.O.L. 将参与这次采访,现场不设演出。活动由DJ BO主持,观众可参与后续自由提问环节。

This event will feature T.S.O.L. but isnot be a music performance. The band will be interviewed by host DJ BO, followed by a chance for audience-members to ask the band questions.

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除了作为DJ演出之外,DJ BO还主持过多场采访活动,邀请了众多艺术艺术界的知名人物,将演出和展览背后的故事呈现给大家。其嘉宾包括:Wayne Kramer(The MC5)、Afrika Islam(Ice-T的制作人)、Christopher Makos(安迪·沃霍尔的摄影师)、Gia(挂在盒子上乐队成员)、Steve Boone(The Lovin' Spoonful)和 Sugar Blue(传奇口琴艺术家)。

Along with performing as a DJ, DJ BO has hosted interview events with dozens of arts luminaries, giving a chance for audiences to discover the stories behind what is just presented in performances and exhibitions. Some of those interviewed in the past include: Wayne Kramer (The MC5), Afrika Islam (Ice-T's producer), Christopher Makos (Andy Warhol's photographer), Gia (Hang on the Box), Steve Boone (The Lovin' Spoonful), and Sugar Blue (harmonica legend).

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此次采访中,BO 将从他的CD和黑胶唱片收藏中随机播放音乐,乐队可以猜歌,但不会提前知道任何歌曲信息。这首歌有可能是乐队的作品,也有可能是其他不知名的音乐,以此来引出采访问题。

此环节后,观众可向乐队自由提问。OKVLT13 的现场观众具有优先提问权。

For this T.S.O.L. Interview, BO will play a song from his vinyl and CD collection. T.S.O.L.will not be told beforehand what the song will be. They will get a chance to guess the song, which might include anything from the band's own catalogue to something less obvious. The song will then be used to springboard into the next question.

Following this portion, audience-members will then be given the opportunity toask any questions they'd like to the band. A priority will be given to the those attending the event live at OKVLT13.

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T.S.O.L. 将开设南京、上海、北京、杭州四城巡演。珍惜亲临这支具有划时代意义的乐队现场的机会!这是他们第一次中国巡演,说不定也是最后一次。

To see the band perform in China, you can see them at these events in Nanjing, Shanghai, Beijing, and Hangzhou. Do not miss the opportunity to see this seminal band perform.It is happening in China for the first time, and likely the last time.

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OKVLT13 是一家上海另类服饰品牌集合店,目前已在北京798开设分店。无论是哥特、朋克、视觉系还是锐舞等时尚风格,总能在这里找到适合你的产品和生活方式。我们还会不定期举办各种特别活动,欢迎参加!

OKVLT13 is an alternative fashion shop in Shanghai, with a second shop now open in Beijing's 798 Art District. Whether you're into goth, punk, visual kei, or rave styles, you'll find products and lifestyle items that suit you here. We also host various special events from time to time — feel free to join us!

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OKVLT13 位于历史悠久的上海1933老场坊,这座充满哥特冰冷气息的建筑最早曾是屠宰场,现在成为了各种艺术商店和咖啡馆的聚集地。作为上海最有意思的建筑之一,它的场景氛围完美适配本次活动。

The shop is located in the historic 1933 Millfun, the gothic-deco masterpiece of a building that started life as a slaughterhouse but now hosts a variety of arty businesses and cafes. It is without a doubt one of the most interesting places in Shanghai, and will create a perfect atmosphere for the event.

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Live-stream Screening



If you can't make the event in-person, join the watch parties with our partners!

北京 Beijing

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OKVLT13 玄机十三 北京店

OKVLT13 Beijing


Add: D4-02, Zhonger Street, 798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing

成都 Chengdu

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漫画人 --国内唯一的正宗欧美漫画专门店

Comicbook Ren:

China's only legit Western-style comic book shop.

地址:成都天府国际动漫城 S12-317


Add: S12-317, Chengdu Tianfu International Animation City, Chengdu

Phone: 18030872112

香港 Hongkong

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The Listening Room 唱片店

The Listening Room Record Store


Add: Far East Mansion, Shop 3-8, Ground & 2nd Floor, 5-6 Middle Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Word Is... DJ BO 对谈 T.S.O.L.

OKVLT13 – 1933老场坊1-109

2024/12/18 周三晚八点


Word Is...: DJ BO Talks With T.S.O.L.

OKVLT13 – 1933 Millfun 1-109

Wednesday, 2024/12/18 – 8pm

Free Entry!