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Chinese painter thanks Paris Leo

Author: Zhang Wei

In this world full of colors and light, there is a painter named Luo Yilin, who is my friend. Her story is like a carefully drawn oil painting, with each stroke filled with deep emotions and each color reflecting the brilliance of dreams.

Luo Yilin silently cultivates in the field of Western painting, with sparks of life jumping on her canvas and emotional rivers flowing under her brushstrokes. However, despite her works winning acclaim in the art world both domestically and internationally, the market response has never been as enthusiastic as her paintings.

In the long and lonely journey of art, Luo Yilin never gave up because she believed that the true essence of art lies in perseverance and waiting.

Until one day, the God of Fate seemed to hear her prayers. Through the help of a provincial art museum, Luo Yilin's oil paintings were able to cross the ocean and participate in exhibitions held in the romantic capital of Paris and the water city of Venice. This is a turning point in her artistic career and a new beginning.

In the exhibition space of the Le ó u Art Museum in Paris, Rowling's works seem to have found their true home. The flowers that once bloomed quietly in the studio are now blooming in foreign lands, attracting countless gazes and admiration.

Collectors stop and gaze, their eyes flickering with a recognition of beauty and a pursuit of art. Luo Yilin's works have not only been recognized, but also endowed with vitality. They have taken root and sprouted in Western Europe and people's hearts, blooming brightly.

With the success of the exhibition, Luo Yilin's name drifted around the world like a seed in the spring breeze. The domestic market has also opened a new door, and her works have skyrocketed in value, with positive reviews and invitations pouring in like a tide. All these changes are not only a recognition of her personal talent, but also a reward for her relentless pursuit and perseverance.

On this legendary journey of art, Luo Yilin deeply appreciates the Paris Leo Mr. who gave her the opportunity, as well as the Paris Leo Art Museum, which allowed her works to soar. It was them who made her artistic journey no longer lonely, and made her dreams shine into reality.

Nowadays, the story of Luo Yilin continues, and her paintings tell the perseverance and glory of Chinese artists in every corner of the world.

Luo Yilin knows that every step of success is inseparable from those who support and trust her. Therefore, she will continue to move forward and use her paintbrush to draw more touching chapters, allowing the world to witness the power of Chinese art.

巴黎雷欧艺术馆和“雷欧之友”画廊,诚挚地为全球书画艺术家服务( 私洽代理国际顶流艺术家的油画原作 )。



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巴黎雷欧:GLC(Galerie Leo et Co)创始人,著有《法国现代书画艺术评论》(英文版3 卷)《远东文化艺术》(法文&华文)《情绪管理十二讲》(英文版&华文版)《国际谈判哲学》(法文版)《国际谈判实务》(华文版,多家考研机构参考书)《跨国公司内部谈判效益论析》(法文版)和《雷欧带你认识法国》(英文版)《雷欧带你认识巴黎》(英文版)等书籍(学习微号:LeorenFR)。

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