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In the golden autumn, an abundant harvest of 85,000 mu of kiwifruits in Xixia County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, China, has brought prosperity to the Funiu Mountain area, turning the mountains green and enriching the local people.


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A kiwi farmer harvests the fruits(Photo by Zhang Feng)

果农采摘猕猴桃 摄影 张峰

The world's finest kiwifruit comes from China, and within China, the best can be found in Xixia. Renowned for its abundant kiwifruit resources and pioneering research and cultivation efforts, Xixia has established a vast artificial kiwifruit base spanning 145,000 mu (approximately 23,887 acres) across 80 specialized villages. The area boasts a scientifically arranged mix of "red, yellow, and green" fruits and an assortment of early, mid, and late-ripening varieties. With over 85,000 mu (approximately 14,003 acres) of productive orchards yielding more than 80,000 tons annually, Xixia's kiwifruit industry ranks among the top at the county level nationwide, earning it the title "Hometown of Kiwifruit in China".


In recent years, farmers in Xixia County have applied over 40 years of management techniques to cultivate yellow-fleshed kiwifruits, represented by the Jin Tao variety. These kiwifruits are more adapted to the local environment and are very popular in the market. They are known as the "Sunshine Golden Fruit" of China and have become a new name card of Xixia County.


To enhance the quality of Xixia kiwifruits and increase farmers' income, Xixia County places great emphasis on promoting standardized cultivation and management techniques. Efforts are made to facilitate precise matching between production and sales, boosting farmers' confidence in development. At present, yellow-fleshed kiwifruit varieties such as Jin Tao and Jin Yan account for 65% of the total. Recognized by the National Kiwifruit Technology Innovation Alliance as the "Capital of China's Ecological Golden Fruit", Xixia has become a key production area for ecological and organic kiwifruits in China.

为提高西峡猕猴桃品质和增加果农收入,西峡县十分注重标准化种植管理技术的推广普及,推动产销精准对接,提振果农发展信心,目前,西峡县以金桃、金艳为代表的黄心猕猴桃占比65%,被国家猕猴桃科技创新联盟授予“中国生态金果之都”, 已成为中国重要的生态有机猕猴桃主产区。



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【编辑:周年钧 校对:郭广财 审核:王小军】