
#外媒也学会说割韭菜# 【英国《金融时报》也学会割韭菜这个词】英国《金融时报》也学会了“割韭菜”这说法,英文直译为cutting leeks。


英文原文说:“市场的剧烈波动也凸显了贸然重回中国动荡股市的风险,一些人使用 “割韭菜” 这个词,意思是 “收割新入场的投资者”—— 指的是那些在市场高点匆忙入场却被收割的投资新手。”

But the wild market swings also underscore the risks of a headlong dash back into China’s volatile equities, with some using the phrase ge jiucai, meaning “cutting leeks” — a reference to investment newcomers who rush in at the top of the market only to be scythed down.

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