
Wu Yue Shi, born on the seventh day of the fourth month in the year of Yiyou (1945) in Shenyang, with ancestral roots in Shandong. He studied under Wang Zhujiu and Dong Shouping. In the mid-1980s, he went abroad and resided overseas for more than ten years, returning to Beijing in the year of Gengchen (2000). Wu's works in landscapes, figures, flowers, birds, and antiquities all capture the essence and spirit, forming his unique style. His works are ancient and simple, yet grand and vigorous, full of vitality, with the qualities of a literati and scholar, exuding a lofty character and standing out with a unique style.


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Shi Tao said, "Mountains and rivers transform through my spirit." After traveling thousands of miles and wandering among the landscapes, the mountains and rivers seen with the eyes gradually become the landscapes within the heart. When expressed through the hand and formed by the brush, these landscapes are no longer just what the eyes see, thus creating a new appearance for mountains and rivers.


Wu Yue Shi said, "The essence of sketching lies in the heart, the essence of observation lies in emotion, the essence of brushstrokes lies in intention, and the essence of completion lies in rhythm." The works of masters are generally like this, beyond the reach of those who merely depict shapes. I have seen many sketches that are readable in sketchbooks but completely fail as paintings. Why? Because they are lifeless. Some are even dead in the sketch stage; how can one speak of lively drawing then? A painting with vitality captivates viewers, making them feel as if the depicted scene is about to come alive, which mere shape-copying cannot achieve. Therefore, vitality is hard to attain and requires meticulous brushwork and life experiences. When wielding the brush, one must let the spirit emerge, avoiding rigidity and superficiality. True vitality brings life, movement, spirit, and wonder. Where there is life, there is spirit; this is the method of living painting.


We emphasize the importance of internalizing what we observe. What the eye sees is not what the hand renders, nor what the heart perceives. The eye is the organ of the heart; the heart sees through the eyes, but what is seen must be internalized within the heart. The heart directs the limbs, and the brush extends from the hand. What is produced is not merely what the eye sees but the spirit of the object. Such works possess a humanistic quality, being products of thought and culture, not mere art. If one pursues mere resemblance through technique, it deviates from the true essence of Chinese sketching.

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The lines in Wu Yue Shi's work are robust and vigorous, ancient and smooth, simple yet not empty, complex yet not chaotic. His landscapes are profound and ethereal, with elegant charm; his flowers and birds are concise and lively, striking and moving; his figures, depicted with a few strokes, are majestic. His expressive flower-and-bird paintings blend Xu Wei's freedom, Bada Shanren's peculiarity, Shi Tao's simplicity, Wu Changshuo's clarity, and Qi Baishi's calmness, with traces of these masters evident in his work. He transforms brushwork into a realm, achieving wonder from emptiness. His depictions of the Four Gentlemen, ink lotuses, flowers, and birds all draw from various traditions, forming his unique style. His figure paintings are simple and abstract, with hats, hair buns, eyes, and beards reduced to symbols, and clothing lines flowing freely like hemp strokes in landscape painting. The compositions are staggered, and the rhythm and order form a unique visual language, absorbing tradition and creating innovations.


Wu Yue Shi's calligraphy traces back to the Wei and Jin dynasties, aspiring to ancient elegance, incorporating the rhythms of seal, clerical, regular, and cursive scripts. His running script is influenced by Ming calligraphy, with vigorous and fluctuating strokes, free and flowing. He integrates robust brushstrokes into his paintings, using diverse techniques to enhance his calligraphy, complementing each other, fully expressing his spirit. He is also skilled in poetry and prose, often accompanying his ink works with exquisite inscriptions, varying in length and arrangement, citing classics, conveying emotions, and adeptly applying them without confinement. He carefully crafts phrases to elucidate the meaning of his paintings, infusing them with personal sentiment; his inspired thoughts flow effortlessly upon receiving a theme. He constructs titles thoughtfully, ensuring the placement of inscriptions, signatures, seals, and citations harmoniously complements the painting, achieving a balanced interplay of density and lightness, enhancing each other.


Wu Yue Shi has devoted decades to deeply rooting himself in tradition, refining his brushwork, and studying masterworks. He continues to revive lost techniques and create new forms, using his distinct personality and keen critical eye to advance the development of expressive Chinese painting.
