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发言的女生名叫李艺飞, 是西安交通大学能动学院核工程计算物理实验室的硕士毕业生。毕业后,她选择加入国家国防科工局西北核安全中心。

During the commencement ceremony at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Li Yifei, a master's graduate from the School of Energy and Power Engineering, delivered a powerful speech declaring, "I am resolute in my commitment to national defense, pledging my humble efforts to enhance our country's nuclear security." The impassioned speech resonated with hundreds of thousands of net users. commencement /kəˈmensmənt/:开端;毕业典礼

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In her first year of postgraduate studies, Li delved into research in the laboratory, eventually garnering industry recognition for her work and grasping the importance of "engaging in genuine scientific research" as a guiding principle.



Before completing her studies, Li interned at a nuclear facility nestled in the Gobi Desert of northwestern China. It was there that she experienced firsthand the pioneering spirit and arduous endeavors of China's esteemed nuclear industry pioneers, including luminaries like Qian Sanqiang, Wang Ganchang, and Deng Jiaxian. This experience cemented her decision to establish herself in the western region and dedicate her talents to the nation's defense initiatives.

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西迁精神、核工业精神、两弹一星精神, 也教会她胸怀国之大者,为世界之光,想国家之所想,应国家之所需,急国家之所急,因此,她决心选择扎根西部,投身国防事业。

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1956年, 数千名交通大学师生员工响应党和国家号召,告别上海,来到西安,在原野麦田中拉开了扎根西部的序幕。伟大的西迁精神,在爱国奋斗中孕育成为一代代交大人,用实际行动践行青春梦想的坐标。

In 1955, a momentous decision was made to relocate Jiaotong University, originally founded in Shanghai in 1896, to Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province in Northwest China. This strategic move aimed to bolster higher education and industrial progress in the less-developed western territories of the nation. The migration of both faculty and students from Shanghai to Xi'an commenced the subsequent year, culminating in the institution's renaming as Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1959.

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“西迁精神”的核心是爱国主义, 精髓是听党指挥跟党走,与党和国家、与民族和人民同呼吸、共命运,具有深刻现实意义和历史意义。


This historic relocation embodied a spirit of unity, dedication to tradition, and a pioneering ethos, encapsulating the core values of the university. Inspired by the ethos of westward relocation, a multitude of students from Xi'an Jiaotong University, like Li Yifei, have dedicated themselves to the nation's progress, offering their expertise and vigor in service to their country.

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来源:新华每日电讯 西安交通大学