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When President Biden suggested last week thata cease-fire was imminent, Khalil el-Halabi was elated.

Mr. Halabi, a 70-year-old retired U.N. official, paraded through a cluster of tents in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza, delivering the news to people displaced by the war, prompting cheers and claps. But the joy didn’t last: The next morning, reports that gaps remained between Israel and Hamas brought him back down to earth.

“It’s a form of psychological torture,” Mr. Halabi said. “It’s unbearable. We’re told one day that the war is ending and then the opposite the next day.”

Palestinians in Gaza, whose lives may depend on a cease-fire, have followed news of indirect talks between Israel and Hamas with rapt attention. But a stream of conflicting reports has sent them on an exhausting emotional roller-coaster as they huddle in crowded apartments, tent cities and shelters.

The tension is especially acute in Rafah, which is densely packed with more than one million displaced people. Israel has repeatedly threatened to invade the city as it tries to root out the leadership of Hamas.

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The United States is pressing for a cease-fire to be negotiated ahead of Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month that begins in about a week. On Sunday, Vice President Kamala Harris said a deal was on the table for a cease-fire of at least six-weeks, one that would include the release of hostages held by militants in Gaza and the entry of a “significant” amount of aid. The U.S.-backed proposal is to exchange scores of Palestinian prisoners and detainees for 40 hostages in Gaza, officials say.

But the negotiations appear to be making little progress. Israel refused to send a delegation to talks in Cairo this week.

President Biden said Tuesday that cease-fire talks were “in the hands of Hamas right now,” and a Hamas leader in Lebanonappeared to publicly rejectthe deal, insisting that Israeli hostages would be released only after a cease-fire was in place and Israeli forces have withdrawn, a condition Israel has rejected. But the militant group signaled on Wednesday in a statement that it was still open to negotiations “until an agreement is reached that realizes our people’s interests and demands.”

Nidal Kuhail, 29, a resident of Gaza City who is sheltering in Rafah, said people were closely monitoring their phones and radios for updates on the negotiations, but were growing tired of waiting day after day without a breakthrough.

“We’re oscillating between being happy and then frustrated,” said Mr. Kuhail. “This seesawing in news reports has made the people incredibly confused.”

Those fluctuations have been going on for months, as a series of talkshave led to no relief since a seven-day cease-fire in November.

In early February, when reports suggested that Hamas and Israel were nearing a deal, a celebration erupted in the Kuwait Specialty Hospital in Rafah, with people whistling and applauding, said Omar al-Najjar, a volunteer medical intern there.

“The atmosphere was upbeat,” said Mr. Najjar, 24. “People could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.” But the next morning, newer reports showed that the parties will still far from overcoming their differences, casting a depressed mood across the hospital, he said.

Mr. Najjar said hopes for a cease-fire had been dashed so frequently that many were no longer paying attention to the news. “People have completely lost hope,” he said.

Over the past couple of days, the saga played out again. Arabic news outlets reported “significant progress” only to speak of “difficulties” a day later.

Hazem Surour, 20, originally from northern Gaza, said he had stopped letting news reports get his hopes up after months of Israel and Hamas failing to achieve a deal.

“We seriously need something real, not news reports,” he said. “We can only be patient and pray.”






Part 02


The article discusses the emotional turmoil experienced by Palestinians in Gaza amid conflicting reports about how cease-fire negotiations have progressed between Israel and Hamas. Adam Rasgon writes about how President Biden's suggestion of an imminent cease-fire initially brought hope to Gazans, and how subsequent reports dashed these hopes, leading to frustration and confusion. The United States is pressing for a cease-fire ahead of Ramadan, proposing a deal that includes the release of hostages and the entry of aid. However, negotiations have made little progress, with Israel refusing to send a delegation to talks in Cairo.

Gazans,weary from months of failed talks, oscillate between hope and despair as they await concrete developments. The article highlights the psychological toll of the ongoing conflict on Gazans, particularly amid the uncertainty surrounding cease-fire negotiations. It underscores the precarious situation faced by Palestinians in Gaza who are living in crowded conditions and facing the threat of Israeli invasion. The repeated cycle of hope and disappointment has led to a sense of hopelessness among the population, with many expressing fatigue and disillusionment with the peace process. The article sheds light on the urgent need for a lasting resolution to the conflict to alleviate the suffering of Gazans and bring stability to the region.









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Theme A:

Inequalities in a VUCA World

●Theme B:

Global Challenges and Collective Actions