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China's economy continued the recovery trend in May amid a steady rebound in demand, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.国家统计局6月17日表示,5月份我国经济延续回升向好趋势,需求稳步复苏。

China's value-added industrial output - a gauge of activity in the manufacturing, mining and utilities sectors - grew by 5.6 percent in May from a year earlier after 6.7 percent in April, figures released by the NBS showed. 国家统计局的数据显示,5月份,规模以上工业增加值同比增长5.6%,4月同比增长6.7%。工业增加值是衡量制造业、采矿业和公用事业等行业经济活动的重要指标。

Retail sales, a key measurement of consumer spending, rose 3.7 percent year-on-year in May versus the 2.3 percent rise in April. 5月份,社会消费品零售总额同比增长3.7%,4月同比增长2.3%。社会消费品零售总额是衡量消费者支出的重要指标。

Fixed-asset investment - a gauge of expenditures on items including infrastructure, property, machinery and equipment - increased by 4 percent in the January-May period year-on-year, while it grew 4.2 percent in the January-April period.1-5月份,全国固定资产投资同比增长4.0%,1-4月份同比增长4.2%。固定资产投资是衡量基建、房产、机器、设备等资产支出的重要指标。

The surveyed urban jobless rate came in at 5 percent in May, flat with the figure in April, according to the NBS.国家统计局的数据显示,5月份,全国城镇调查失业率为5.0%,与上月持平。

The NBS said the Chinese economy grew steadily in May with improvement in key indicators and new growth drivers gaining momentum.国家统计局称,5月份经济运行总体平稳向好,主要指标有所回升,新动能较快成长。

Meanwhile, the bureau warned of pressures from a lack of effective domestic demand and a more complicated and grimmer external environment, calling for further moves to better implement existing macro policies, foster new quality productive forces and consolidate the economic recovery trend.与此同时,国家统计局也警告称,当前外部环境复杂性严峻性有所上升,国内有效需求仍显不足,下一步,要有效落实已经确定的宏观政策,培育和发展新质生产力,巩固和增强经济回升向好态势。



