Postdoctoral Research Associate

Position:Postdoctoral Research Associate at WSU

Department:Biological Systems Engineering

Location:Pullman, WA

AnticipatedStartDate:August 2024

Position Summary

Washington State University is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate specializing in food and biomaterials engineering. The goal of this project is to develop novel multifunctional materials and intervention approaches for addressing microbial safety and sustainability issues within food and agricultural systems. This is a full-time, 100%FTE position with an annual salary of $54,000 - $60,000 plus WSU fringe benefits, immediately available for one year to support research activities under the direction of the principal investigator, with a possibility of renewal based on performance and continued funding.

Position Duties

The role of this postdoc position encompasses a variety of responsibilities:

• conducting independent research in the area of food safety and sustainability;

• developing scholarly manuscripts, presentations for scientific conferences, and reports for the USDA to disseminate research findings;

• mentoring students and managing the laboratory under the supervision of the advisor;

• assisting in identifying funding sources and drafting grant proposals;

• engaging in relevant extension activities;

•performing other research-related tasks as needed.

Required Qualifications

•A PhD in material chemistry, food engineering, or a related field.

• Strong theoretical background and experimental experience in material synthesis and characterization, and their applications in food safety.

• Basic knowledge and skills in conducting microbiological analysis on foods and food systems.

•Strong written and oral communication skills with ability to publish manuscripts.

Preferred Qualifications

•Preference will be given to applicants with strong publication records, considerable drive and motivation, and excellent problem-solving skills.

•Experience in functionalization of cellulose materials.

How to Apply

Inquiries and applications can be submitted to Dr. Kang Huang at

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis starting immediately until the position is filled. Early submission is strongly recommended.

Please include:1) a cover letter summarizing their interests in the position and qualifications, 2) a CV, and 3) contact information for three references.


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为进一步促进未来食品科学的发展,全面践行“大食物观”的指导思想,持续提升食品科技创新和战略安全。由北京食品科学研究院、中国肉类食品综合研究中心及中国食品杂志社《食品科学》杂志、《Food Science and Human Wellness》杂志、《Journal of Future Foods》杂志主办,北京工商大学食品与健康学院、北京联合大学生物化学工程学院、西华大学食品与生物工程学院、大连民族大学生命科学学院、齐齐哈尔大学食品与生物工程学院、河北科技大学食品与生物学院共同主办, 登赫(上海)生命科学有限公司、北京盈盛恒泰科技有限责任公司、古井集团、嘉必优生物技术(武汉)股份有限公司、北京三元食品股份有限公司赞助 的“第一届大食物观·未来食品科技创新国际研讨会”即将于 2024年5月16-17日 在 中国 北京 召开。


为提高我国食品营养与安全科技自主创新和食品科技产业支撑能力,推动食品产业升级,助力‘健康中国’战略,北京食品科学研究院、中国食品杂志社将与湖北省食品科学技术学会、华中农业大学、武汉轻工大学、湖北工业大学、中国农业科学院油料作物研究所、中南民族大学、湖北省农业科学院、湖北民族大学、江汉大学、湖北工程学院、果蔬加工与品质调控湖北省重点实验室、武汉食品化妆品检验所、国家市场监管重点实验室(食用油质量与安全)、环境食品学教育部重点实验室共同举办“第五届食品科学与人类健康国际研讨会”。会议时间: 2024年 8月 3—4 日 ,会议地点: 中国 湖北 武汉 。
