2024年汤姆斯杯暨尤伯杯比赛将于4月27日至5月5日在四川成都举行。因此,贝贝又多了两位可爱的新朋友——“熊嘟嘟”和“羽蓉蓉”。它们作为本届 汤尤杯的吉祥物,不仅羽毛球拍上印有太阳神鸟, 就连耳朵上的纹路也演绎着古蜀文化的魅力。

  • 2024 Thomas & Uber Cup Finals are scheduled to take place in Chengdu, Sichuan from April 27th to May 5th, 2024. Beibei has also gained two delightful new companions - "Xiong Du Du" and "Yu Rong Rong". Serving as the mascots for this edition of the Thomas & Uber Cup, they not only have the "Sun and Immortal Birds" on their badminton racket, but also the patterns on their ears interpret the charm of ancient Shu culture.

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  • The vibrant sports events highlight the dynamism and fervor of Sichuan, while its distinctive natural landscapes and humanistic charms showcase the serene aspects of Sichuan. Tonight at 9:20 pm, Beibei and Xueqing will bring you the 48th episode of Panda Wandering, the first Chinese and English bilingual magazine show combining virtual and reality. Let's join Panda Beibei and experience the charming Sichuan that combines vitality and tranquility!


  • "Exploring Panda" - This month, Dagu Glacier in Aba Prefecture welcomed a romantic spring snowfall. Amidst the snow, Mount Dagu appears ethereal, with a bright and pure vista, like a classical Chinese ink landscape paintings. Concurrently, the "Art and Life: Works of Valerie Ledneva" exhibition is currently being held at the Sichuan Museum till May 26th. If you're interested, don't miss this fascinating exhibition!

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  • "Panda Scanning" ① - During the period from April 8th to 10th, foreign diplomatic delegations from 27 countries across 5 continents came to Sichuan, experiencing fruitful achievements in urban planning, environmental protection, industrial development, and culture conservation and other aspects of Sichuan. What interesting stories happened during this period? Let's take a look together!


  • "Panda Scanning "② - Recently, Gong Linna visited the Xue Tao Memorial Hall, where she not only appreciated the talent and charm of Xue Tao, but also shared her thoughts on collaboration with international musicians. In this episode, let's explore the cross-era dialogue between Xue Tao, one of the "Four Great Talented Women of Shu", and Gong Linna, the celebrated torchbearer of new Chinese Art music.

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  • "Laowai's Leisurely Trip in Sichuan"- Not long ago, an "explorer" has arrived in Ya'an, Sichuan. Panda Observer Lee Jongrok from South Korea visited the Bifengxia Wildlife Park there, where he had close encounters with tigers, alpacas and other animals. Let's follow in his steps and experience the adorable and lively nature of these animals together!

“故事汇”——在成都浓园国际艺术村有一对热爱音乐的夫妻,他们是来自意大利的妮可列特和来自美国的克里斯多夫。多年来, 他们相互支持,行走世界, 音乐成为他们心灵沟通的桥梁。 即便有一天他们离开四川,他们创作的音乐也依然会在这里回荡。 如此浪漫的故事,怎么能少了你我的倾听?让我们一同走进这个充满音乐的爱情故事吧!

  • "Story Salon" - There is a couple, Nicoletta from Italy and Christopher from America who love music in Chengdu Nongyuan International Art Village. Over the years, they support each other and take journey around the world, and the music has become the bridge for their spiritual communication. Even if one day they leave Sichuan, music works they've created will still resonate here in Sichuan. How can we miss out on such a romantic story? Let's step into this love tale filled with music together!

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每周日晚9:20《熊猫观察Panda Wandering》World in eyes,四川卫视&四川观察 视频号、抖音、微博等平台,同步播出。

  • Watch Panda Wandering on the video accounts of Wechat, Douyin, Weibo, and other media platforms of Sichuan Satellite TV and Sichuan Observation every sunday at 9:20 PM.


