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After thousands of years of precipitation, pastoral complex has been deeply rooted in our hearts. However, in modern society, urban life gradually contrasts with the rural landscape, making people who live in the city for a long time can not help but sigh, the quiet natural environment becomes difficult to reach, and vegetation becomes scarce. At present, with people's renewed attention to and love for traditional Chinese, more and more people begin to look forward to the pleasant place of courtyard life, and the pursuit of pastoral living has become the life trend of contemporary young people. Courtyard, as a kind of space form that best fits the living habits of Chinese people, is not only a place to meet the needs of material life, but also a kind of living concept in pursuit of nature and authenticity.

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In ancient China, many famous people were closely associated with rural life. During his exile to Yongzhou, Liu Zongyuan often ventured out of the city and into remote areas, where he wrote numerous short essays and sought solace in pastoral scenes to soothe his sorrows. Wang Wei, also a poet in the Tang Dynasty, also likes to find peace of mind in the rural fields. His poem "Walking to the water is poor, sitting and watching the clouds rise" reveals his Zen philosophy of experiencing peace in the natural countryside. Through his continuous poems, he shows his leisure in the countryside.

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Tao Yuanming is undoubtedly a well-known literary giant, and his famous sentence "picking chrysanthemums under the east hedge, leisurely seeing the south Mountain" is widely spread. With his unique writing style, he painted the peaceful beauty of rural fields for the world, which made countless future generations dream. The peach blossom land described by Tao Yuanming has evolved into a symbol of the pursuit of idyllic and comfortable life, and has become a holy place for people's hearts to yearn for.

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Mr. Lao She's idea of the yard, "there are several small fruit trees against the wall." Flowers and plants "there is no one precious trouble, only Chang MAO more flowers." So plain, so clean. Open the old door, the small courtyard let a person's eyes light up suddenly. Whether outdoor or indoor, each tea room or tea table corner has its own characteristics.

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Sit in the yard in the wind, brew a cup of rock tea, and watch the smoke swirl out of the spout. Hanging above the doorpost is a "Qingping music" plaque, as if through time and space, back to the Song Dynasty, accompanied by poets sitting around, chanting poems, praise the primitive tea sets and bamboo and wooden rooms. In this courtyard, it seems that you can see the vastness of the universe. Guarding this side of the courtyard, the soul can be quiet, here condensed southern Fujian culture, showing the local characteristics and cultural customs of Xiamen. Every detail of the teahouse is indispensable and constitutes a complete landscape. Through these delicate links, you can feel the traces of years of carving, glimpse the meticulous layout and historical accumulation of the owners of the courtyard, they will decorate the courtyard into life, which is full of love for life and the endless pursuit of beautiful things.

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Quilt, bonsai, pottery stove, tea tray, old door panel, small tea table, hollow tile, all kinds of old objects... There is a poem about the secret of drinking tea, asking for it in summer, asking for it in cold winter, tea should be in the mouth, and charcoal should be conducive to burning.

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