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这篇文章讲述了主人公在下午4:30准备离开办公室时,注意到同事忘记带走笔记本电脑,于是决定将电脑送到同事家中。在送电脑的路上,主人公遇到了暴风雪,导致视线受阻,不得不停车并保持车辆运行以保持温暖,同时拨打911求助。在等待救援的过程中,主人公通过社交媒体寻求帮助,并最终被Andre Bouvier救助,他穿过风雪走了550码来接主人公。这次经历改变了主人公面对挑战的态度,并让Andre成为了主人公生活中的重要人物。

It was 4:30 pm.As I was packing up,I noticed my colleague had left his laptop bag in the office. So,I decided to bring it to him. It took me about 15 minutes to get to his house, where I 1 the bag and,got right back on the road.

Suddenly a snowstorm came andwithinminutesI was in a whiteout.I stopped becauseIwas afraid,of driving into a farmers field, or worse. I kept the car 2 to stay warm and called 911. They told me,to sit tight and wait things out for the night.

Those seconds after the call were 3 .Breathe,I told myself.Panicking won’t help.

I texted my colleague, joking about my good deed ending in 4 . He suggested I share a satellite,view of my 5 on my social media.And I did so, praying that anyone who knew the residents of the,nearby farms could get me rescued.

Waiting in the car,I doubted whether 6 would be able to come.Soon enough,though, I got a,message from someone who was going to put me in touch with them.

At 8pm,I sawa tall figurein a yellow raincoat striding towardme in the dark,carrying a flashlight.,Id never been more 7 to see someone in my life. It was Andre Bouvier, whod walked about 550,yards to come get me,fighting the wind and snow each step of the way.

He turned around and started to trudge through the snow,sure of the direction.I drove behind him,,feeling my heart begin to beat more 8 .When we reached his house, I burst into tears, all my fears,turning into relief and 9 .

The experience has been a game changer for me. I now 10 challenges with a sense of calm Id,not known before.But best of all, it brought Andre intomy life.


1.A. dropped off B. filled up

C. set aside D. put away

2.A.locked B.parked

C. signaling D. running

3.A.painful B. critical

C.disappointing D. impressive

4.A.failure B.smoke

C.disaster D. mystery

5.A.route B.location

C.direction D. destination

6.A.news B. help

C.hope D. faith

7.A. satisfied B. surprised

C.relieved D. worried

8.A.slowly B.excitedly

C.nervously D. strongly

9.A. recognition B.admiration

C. satisfaction D. appreciation

10.A.identify B. present

C.approach D. anticipate

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假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。六月十四日是世界献血者日(World Blood Donor Day ),你在京学习的英国好友Jim决定当天去献血,并询问你的意愿。请你用英文给他回复一封电子邮件,内容包括:



9 April 2024

Dear Jim,

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  1. 确定主题:


  1. 内容组织:


Dear Jim,

I'm delighted to hear about your plan to participate in World Blood Donor Day. Unfortunately, I won't be able to join you this time due to my upcoming college entrance examination, which requires extensive preparation. I believe that dedicating time to studies at this crucial moment is essential for securing a good future.


Moreover, I must prioritize my academic responsibilities, as the stakes are high for the upcoming exams. Nevertheless, I wholeheartedly support your initiative and admire your philanthropic spirit. When donating blood, it's imperative to ensure that you are in good health, stay hydrated, and rest adequately afterward to facilitate recovery.


In conclusion, while I regret not being able to join you, I am certain that your contribution will make a significant difference. Thank you for understanding my situation, and I look forward to the opportunity to engage in such meaningful activities together in the future.

Li Hua


  1. 句式:



  1. 短语:

利用固定搭配和常用短语,如“be willing to”、“take into account”等。

  1. 高级词汇:



  • 开头示例:

“Dear Jim, I’m thrilled to receive your invitation to donate blood on World Blood Donor Day. After careful consideration, I’m delighted to inform you that I’m willing to join you in this meaningful activity.”


  • 解释原因:


  • 注意事项:





  • 结尾示例:

“Looking forward to the day when we can contribute to society together. Your enthusiasm is inspiring, and I’m sure our actions will make a difference. Stay healthy and see you soon!”


  • 使用非谓语动词:

如“Being aware of the importance of blood donation, I…”

  • 使用情态动词:

如“It is advisable that we should take into account our physical condition before donation.”

  • 使用虚拟语气:

如“If I were you, I would make sure to get enough rest before the donation.”


  • 时态:使用一般现在时来描述你的决定和理由,一般将来时来表达未来的期待。
  • 语态:在提醒注意事项时,可以使用被动语态来强调动作的接受者。
  • 非谓语动词:使用分词结构(如现在分词和过去分词)来简化句子结构,增加语言的流畅性。
  • 定语从句和状语从句:使用从句来提供额外信息,使文章结构更加丰富。


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Dear Jim,

I am thrilled to hear about your decision to donate blood on World Blood Donor Day, a truly admirable act of kindness and compassion. I, too, have been considering joining this noble cause, and after much thought, I have decided to follow in your footsteps.

Blood donation is not only a way to save lives but also a symbol of solidarity and community spirit. I believe that by contributing to this cause, we can make a significant impact in helping those in need. However, I am aware that there are certain precautions and considerations that we need to take into account. For instance, it is crucial to ensure that we are in good health and have not recently been exposed to any potential health risks. Additionally, it is important to follow the instructions provided by the blood donation center to ensure a smooth and safe donation process.

I look forward to joining you on this meaningful day and together, we can make a difference in the lives of others. Thank you for inspiring me to take this important step.

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I am deeply impressed by your intention to donate blood on the upcoming World Blood Donor Day, a day dedicated to honoring those who selflessly contribute to saving lives. After much consideration, I have decided to join you in this noble endeavor, not only because of the invaluable assistance it provides to those in need, but also due to the profound sense of fulfillment it brings.

Blood donation is a remarkable act, one that not only saves lives but also builds stronger communities by fostering a sense of unity and mutual support. However, it is crucial to ensure that we approach this endeavor with the utmost caution. We must ensure that we are in good health, having not engaged in any activities that could pose a risk to the blood supply, as specified by the donation center.

Moreover, it is imperative to follow the instructions provided by the professionals, ensuring a smooth and safe donation process. Your decision to donate blood is truly commendable, and I am excited to join you in this meaningful act of kindness.

Thank you for inspiring me to take this important step, and I look forward to our shared experience on this special day.

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I'm thrilled to hear about your decision to participate in such a noble act on World Blood Donor Day! Unfortunately, I won't be able to join you this year as I'm in the midst of preparing for my college entrance exams, which are of significant importance to my future academic path.

However, I wholeheartedly support your initiative and I'm proud of you for taking this step. Remember to stay hydrated and well-rested before your donation, as it's crucial for your body to be in good condition for the process. Also, ensure you understand the procedure and follow any guidelines provided by the medical staff to ensure a safe and smooth experience.

Wishing you a successful and healthy blood donation experience! Let's celebrate the spirit of giving and compassion together in our own ways.

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I'm delighted to learn about your intention to contribute to the community by donating blood on World Blood Donor Day, an event that recognizes the selfless dedication of blood donors worldwide. While I am eager to join you in this altruistic endeavor, I must regretfully decline this year due to my commitment to a series of critical exams—a pivotal milestone in my academic journey.

I must emphasize the importance of taking care of your health leading up to the donation. Ensuring that you maintain a balanced diet and engage in moderate exercise not only strengthens your immune system but also facilitates the recovery process post-donation. Additionally, it would be beneficial to familiarize yourself with the donation procedure, so as to alleviate any potential anxiety, which is not uncommon and perfectly understandable.

Please remember that your act of giving blood is not only a testament to your compassion but also a lifeline to those in dire need. By doing so, you are contributing to the collective effort of promoting health and saving lives, a cause that is truly worth our time and energy.

Wishing you a smooth and meaningful experience on this special day. Let's continue to inspire each other to make a positive impact on the world.

刘凯老师,男,蒙古族,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔人。本科为哈尔滨师范大学英语教育专业,硕士为北京理工大学,北京大学宗教学系道教专业哲学硕士;2010年赴美国费城宾夕法尼亚大学交流学习;2013年美国亚利桑那州图森市(Tucson)亚利桑那大学访问学者;2015年澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔士大学ESL研修;2018年美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶加州理工学院语言学双学位获得者;2019年赴澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼麦考瑞大学交流习;2021年赴新加坡国立大学培训学习访谈;2023年赴美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)学习国际教育与全球领导力(International Teaching and Global Leadership Cohort)硕士专业;北京十佳教师;国家级骨干教师;GRE托福考试全球高分获得者;荣获长江商学院EMBA;英语专业八级(TEM 8)。

Li Hua



  1. 开头段:感谢Jim的邀请,并直接给出答复。
  2. 中间段:解释自己愿意献血的原因,例如献血的意义、个人的社会责任感等。
  3. 中间段(续):列举献血前的注意事项,如保持健康的生活方式、了解献血流程等。
  4. 结尾段:期待与Jim一起献血,并表达祝福。


  1. 句式:

使用条件状语从句来表达献血的必要条件,如“If I am healthy enough, I will definitely join you.”

使用并列句来列举献血的意义,刘凯老师建议:如“Not only can it save lives, but also it can help those in need.”

  1. 短语:

使用“show my support for”来表达对献血活动的支持。

使用“be aware of”来提醒Jim注意献血前的准备事项。

  1. 高级词汇:





Dear Jim,

I’m really glad to receive your invitation to donate blood on World Blood Donor Day. I would love to join you in this meaningful activity.



Firstly, I believe that donating blood is a beneficial and necessary act. It can save lives and provide timely assistance to those in need. Secondly, as a member of society, I feel it is my obligation to contribute to the well-being of others.



Before we donate, it’s important to be aware of a few things. Firstly, we should maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating balanced meals and getting enough sleep. Secondly, it’s advisable to avoid alcohol and intense exercise for a few days before the donation. Lastly, we should familiarize ourselves with the donation process to ensure a smooth and comfortable experience.



I’m looking forward to joining you on this special day and making a positive contribution to society. Stay healthy and let’s make a difference together!



使用现在完成时来表达已经做出的决定:“I have decided to join you in donating blood.”

使用条件状语从句来表达假设情况:“If we are well-prepared, our donation experience will be more enjoyable.”

使用非谓语动词作为状语或定语来丰富句子结构:“Being aware of the importance of blood donation, I feel it’s my responsibility to participate.”


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