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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文;William Dunn通过创立“Take a Kid Fishing”组织,帮助缺乏父爱的孩子通过钓鱼活动获得心灵慰藉和生活技能。

刘凯老师详细解析:讲述了一个名叫William Dunn的人如何通过钓鱼这项活动,对缺乏父爱的孩子产生积极影响的故事。Dunn注意到一个8岁的孩子在自己的家中进进出出,了解到孩子没有父亲后,他决定采取行动。钓鱼是他从父亲那里继承的爱好,给他带来了平静并教会了他耐心。因此,他开始每个周末带这个孩子去钓鱼,逐渐地,他扩大了规模,带更多的孩子去体验钓鱼的乐趣。大多数参与的孩子都没有父亲作为榜样。Dunn发现,尽管他们的生活充满挑战,但在钓鱼时,这些困难似乎都消失了。在船上,孩子们会欢笑、结交新朋友,并且全心享受当下。受此启发,Dunn成立了非营利组织“Take a Kid Fishing”,他和志愿者们已经向2500名大多没有父亲的孩子们介绍了水上的宁静和平以及捕鱼的刺激。除了钓鱼本身,Dunn与孩子们建立的关系同样重要。当他们遇到难关时,Dunn会与他们交谈,强调自尊和心理韧性。其中一个叫Bella Smith的孩子表示,钓鱼让她忘记了过去,专注于积极的事物。她说:“钓鱼是学习,我学会了比过去更好的生活。每当我感到沮丧时,我知道该去钓鱼了。”今年Dunn的父亲去世了,钓鱼对他来说有了新的意义。他说:“我现在也是孤儿,对钓鱼有了更深的喜爱。没有什么比感受到鱼线上的第一下拉扯,看到一个孩子因微笑而容光焕发更美好的了。”他感到非常幸运,每周末都能见证这样的时刻。


  1. William Dunn注意到一个8岁的孩子没有父亲,他决定将自己的热情——钓鱼,分享给这个孩子。【要填入一个名词,根据上下文,Dunn想要为这个没有父亲的孩子做一些事情,这里应该填入的是“passion”(热情),表示Dunn想要分享他对钓鱼的热情。】
  2. 这些孩子的生活通常很艰难(A),但通过钓鱼,他们能够忘却困难,享受户外活动的乐趣。【要填入一个形容词来描述孩子们的生活状况。刘凯老师解析:根据后文提到的“他们的生活充满挑战”,可以推断出这里应该填入的是“difficult”(艰难的),表示孩子们的生活并不容易】
  3. 在钓鱼的过程中,孩子们学会了欣赏(D)和珍惜当下的时光。【根据上下文,当孩子们在钓鱼时,他们会忘记生活中的困难,享受快乐时光。刘凯老师解析:这里应该填入的是“appreciated”(欣赏,享受),表示孩子们在钓鱼时珍视并享受这个时刻】
  4. Dunn被这种积极的变化所激励(C),决定成立一个非营利组织“Take a Kid Fishing”,帮助更多的孩子。【这里缺少的是一个动词的过去分词形式,根据上下文,Dunn被孩子们在钓鱼时的快乐场景所鼓舞,因此这里应该填入的是“inspired”(受到启发的),表示Dunn受到了启发。】
  5. 这个组织不仅在本地(B),而且在整个社区帮助了大约2500名孩子。【这里需要填入一个副词来描述“Take a Kid Fishing”组织影响的范围。刘凯老师解析:根据上下文,这个组织帮助了很多孩子,因此这里应该填入的是“around”(周围),表示这个组织在周围社区产生了影响】
  6. 通过钓鱼,Dunn与孩子们建立了深厚的关系(C),这对他们的成长至关重要。【根据上下文,Dunn与孩子们建立的不仅仅是钓鱼的关系,还有更深层次的联系。刘凯老师解析:这里应该填入的是“relationships”(关系),表示Dunn与孩子们建立了深厚的人际关系】
  7. 当孩子们遇到困难时,Dunn会教导他们如何保持坚强(A),并培养他们的自尊和韧性。【这里需要填入一个名词来描述Dunn教给孩子们的品质。刘凯老师解析:根据上下文,Dunn强调自尊和心理韧性,因此这里应该填入的是“toughness”(坚强),表示Dunn教给孩子们坚强的品质】
  8. 通过这些经历,孩子们学会了他们值得(B)更好的生活,并能够积极面对挑战。【这里缺少的是一个动词,根据上下文,孩子们通过钓鱼学会了比过去更好的生活,因此这里应该填入的是“deserve”(值得),表示孩子们通过努力和积极的态度值得拥有更好的生活。】
  9. Dunn的父亲去世后,钓鱼对他来说承担了新的意义(D),它成为了他与父亲记忆的连接。【这里需要填入一个动词的过去分词形式,根据上下文,Dunn的父亲去世后,钓鱼对他来说有了新的意义,因此这里应该填入的是“taken on”(承担),表示钓鱼对Dunn来说承担了新的意义。】
  10. Dunn感到幸运(C)能够通过钓鱼给孩子们带来快乐和积极的变化。【这里缺少的是一个形容词来描述Dunn的感受。刘凯老师解析:根据上下文,Dunn每周末都能见证孩子们因钓鱼而快乐,因此这里应该填入的是“lucky”(幸运的),表示Dunn感到幸运能够见证这些美好的时刻。】


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应用文写作:假如你是红星中学高三学生李华。在第16个全国防灾减灾日到来之际,你们学校开展了一次以“安全进校园”为主题的教育活动。你校国际部交换生 Jim 对此很感兴趣,发来邮件询问。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括:


注意:1、词数 100 左右;2、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


全国防灾减灾日—National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day

Dear Jim,


刘凯老师解析:这篇作文构思明确,围绕“安全进校园”主题的教育活动展开,通过介绍活动的目的和安排,使读者了解并感受到学校对于防灾减灾教育的重视。在句式、短语和高级词汇的使用上,作者巧妙地运用了多种句式结构,如并列句、复合句等,使得文章表达更加流畅、自然。刘凯老师建议:同时,作者还使用了丰富的短语和高级词汇,如“be aimed at”,“carry out”,“participate in”等,使文章更加地道、生动。【首先,构思这篇作文时,要明确文章的结构。通常,一篇好的作文包括开头段、中间段和结尾段。刘凯老师提示:开头段简要介绍活动的背景和目的;中间段详细描述活动的具体安排;结尾段则总结全文,并表达对Jim的期待。】

在开头段,作者开门见山,直接点明写作背景和目的:“I am writing to inform you of a special educational activity themed 'Safety in School' that our school is organizing in honor of the 16th National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day.”这样的开头简洁明了,直接引出了文章的主题。

在中间段,作者首先介绍了活动的目的:“The activity is aimed at enhancing our awareness of disaster prevention and reduction, as well as equipping us with practical skills to deal with potential disasters.”然后,作者详细描述了活动的安排:“We will invite experts to give lectures on disaster prevention knowledge, and organize practical drills, such as fire evacuations and earthquake shelters, for us to participate in.”通过这样的叙述,读者可以清晰地了解到活动的具体内容。

在尾段,刘凯老师建议:作者表达了对Jim参与活动的期待:“I hope you can join us in this meaningful activity and together we can learn more about disaster prevention and reduction.”这样的结尾既呼应了开头,又体现了作者的热情邀请。



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Dear Jim,

I'm delighted to share with you the details of our school's initiative themed "Safety on Campus" in observance of the 16th National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day.

这里使用了高分句型结构:with you the details of...,以及主题相关的短语 "Safety on Campus" 和 "National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day"。


The primary goal of this campaign is to enhance our students' awareness of safety and equip them with essential skills to respond to emergencies. To achieve this, a series of activities have been meticulously planned, ranging from interactive workshops led by professional rescue teams to engaging simulations of various disaster scenarios.

这里使用了高级词汇如 "enhance", "awareness", "equip", "meticulously", "interactive", "engaging",以及复杂句型 "ranging from...to..." 来描述活动的目的和安排。


I believe that these activities will not only enrich our knowledge but also strengthen our sense of community and responsibility. I sincerely hope you can join us and experience these meaningful events firsthand.

这里使用了 "enrich our knowledge", "strengthen our sense of community and responsibility" 等表达,以及 "I sincerely hope" 来表达作者的期待。


定语从句:"...a series of activities that have been meticulously planned..."

非谓语动词:"...to respond to emergencies, equipped with essential skills."

倒装句:"Not only will these activities enrich our knowledge..."




  1. 明确主题与目的:开头段应迅速引入文章的主题,并清晰地表明写作的目的。在“安全进校园”的作文中,你可以直接点明主题,刘凯老师建议:例如:“随着第16个全国防灾减灾日的到来,我们学校开展了一系列以‘安全进校园’为主题的教育活动,旨在提升我们的防灾减灾意识。”
  2. 设置背景:提供必要的背景信息,帮助读者理解文章所讨论的话题。例如,你可以简要介绍全国防灾减灾日的意义,以及学校为何选择在这个时机开展此类活动。
  3. 使用引人入胜的开头:开头可以是一个引人入胜的故事、一个引人深思的问题,或者是一个有趣的观察。这样可以立刻抓住读者的注意力,使他们愿意继续阅读下去。
  4. 简洁明了:开头段应该简洁而有力,避免冗长的句子和不必要的细节。尽快进入主题,不要让读者等待太久。
  5. 设置文章结构:开头段还可以为整篇文章的结构提供线索,例如:“在接下来的内容中,我将首先介绍这次活动的目的,然后详细描述活动的具体安排。”
  6. 使用高级词汇和句式:恰当使用高级词汇和句式可以提升文章的档次,但注意不要过度使用,以免让句子显得生硬或难以理解。
  7. 确保语法正确:开头段中的语法错误会给读者留下不好的印象,因此务必仔细检查语法是否正确。



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2010年赴美国费城宾夕法尼亚大学交流学习;2013年美国亚利桑那州图森市(Tucson)亚利桑那大学访问学者;2015年澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔士大学ESL研修;2018年美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶加州理工学院语言学双学位获得者;2019年赴澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼麦考瑞大学交流习;2021年赴新加坡国立大学培训学习访谈;2023年赴美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)学习国际教育与全球领导力(International Teaching and Global Leadership Cohort)硕士专业;北京十佳教师;国家级骨干教师;GRE托福考试全球高分获得者;荣获长江商学院EMBA;英语专业八级(TEM 8)。

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Dear Jim,

I'm glad to hear your interest in our school's educational activity themed "Safety in Campus" for the 16th National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day.

The purpose of this activity is to raise awareness of disaster prevention and reduction among students, equipping them with necessary safety knowledge and skills. Through various activities, we aim to enhance everyone's ability to respond to emergencies and protect themselves effectively.

The schedule of the event is as follows. Firstly, there will be a lecture delivered by experts on disaster prevention and reduction, followed by a practical exercise simulating an emergency situation. Additionally, we have arranged for a campus inspection to identify potential hazards and discuss improvement measures.

I believe this activity will be a valuable learning experience for all of us. I hope you can join us and learn more about disaster prevention and reduction.Looking forward to your participation.

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I'm glad to hear that you're interested in our school's "Safety on Campus" themed educational activity. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness among students about the importance of disaster prevention and reduction, and to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to respond to various emergencies.

The activity is scheduled to last for a week, starting on National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day. We have planned a series of engaging and informative sessions. These include workshops on first aid and emergency evacuation procedures, as well as interactive drills simulating different disaster scenarios such as earthquakes and fires.

We believe that through these activities, students will not only learn how to protect themselves but also how to assist others in times of crisis. It's a valuable learning experience that aligns with our school's commitment to creating a safe and secure learning environment for everyone.

Looking forward to your continued interest and support.

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I am delighted to share with you details about the "Safety on Campus" initiative that our school is undertaking in observance of the 16th National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day. The primary objective of this campaign is to instill a profound sense of preparedness and resilience among our student body, ensuring that they are well-versed in critical safety measures and adept at responding to emergencies.

The program unfolds over an intensive week, commencing on the significant day itself. It comprises a diverse array of activities designed to educate and engage. We will kick off with expert-led seminars on advanced first aid techniques and strategic emergency evacuations. Subsequently, we will conduct realistic disaster simulation exercises, including but not limited to, earthquake and fire drills, to provide hands-on experience in crisis management.

This comprehensive approach aims to fortify our school community's collective ability to confront and mitigate the impact of potential disasters. It is a testament to our institution's dedication to fostering an environment where safety and educational excellence go hand in hand.

I am confident that you will find this initiative as enlightening as we do and I eagerly anticipate your feedback.

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I am thrilled to share with you the details of our school's educational endeavor themed "Safety in Campus," which coincides with the 16th National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day.

The objective of this initiative is to foster a heightened awareness among our student community regarding disaster preparedness and mitigation. Through immersive and interactive activities, we aim to arm students with essential safety knowledge and empower them with the skills necessary to respond effectively in emergency situations.

The event is meticulously planned and diverse in its offerings. A keynote address by renowned experts in the field of disaster management will kickstart the proceedings, providing insights into the latest practices and strategies. Subsequently, we have arranged for a hands-on emergency simulation exercise, where students will have the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in a practical setting. Additionally, a campus safety audit will be conducted to identify potential hazards and brainstorm measures to mitigate them.

I am confident that this educational event will serve as a transformative experience for all participants, enhancing our collective resilience and preparedness. I sincerely hope that you will be able to join us and be a part of this enriching journey.

Looking forward to your participation.

Li Hua

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Dear Jim,

How pleasant it is to receive your inquiry regarding our school's upcoming educational activity themed 'Safety in Campus' for the 16th National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day.

The objective of this initiative is to foster a heightened awareness among our student community regarding disaster preparedness and mitigation. Through immersive and interactive activities, we aim to arm students with essential safety knowledge and empower them with the skills necessary to respond effectively in emergency situations.

The event is meticulously planned and diverse in its offerings. A keynote address by renowned experts in the field of disaster management will kickstart the proceedings, providing insights into the latest practices and strategies. Subsequently, we have arranged for a hands-on emergency simulation exercise, where students will have the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in a practical setting. Additionally, a campus safety audit will be conducted to identify potential hazards and brainstorm measures to mitigate them.

I am confident that this educational event will serve as a transformative experience for all participants, enhancing our collective resilience and preparedness. I sincerely hope that you will be able to join us and be a part of this enriching journey.

Looking forward to your participation.

Li Hua