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【正确答案】35. A 36. C 37. G 38. E 39. B


A. We are constantly measuring ourselves against other people.我们总是拿自己和别人比较。

B. Yet it is possible, and it is worth the effort for your mental health.然而,这是可能的,而且为了你的心理健康,这是值得努力的。

C. Thus, we are now exposed to groups that are quite different from us.因此,我们现在接触到的群体与我们完全不同。

D. We believe that there is something wrong with us compared to others.我们认为,与别人相比,我们有问题。

E. We can even feel bitterness and anger at others for the unfairness of it all.我们甚至会对别人的不公平感到痛苦和愤怒。

F. Comparing ourselves to others has the potential to increase our life experience.把自己和别人比较有可能增加我们的生活经验。

G. This new level of comparison has huge implications for our psychological lives.这种新的比较水平对我们的心理生活有着巨大的影响。

【1】We humans are comparison creatures.____35____This quality may have evolved as a means of helping us fit into the social hierarchy (等级) of the cultures we inhabited. Regardless of the reasons, social comparison plays a significant role in how we view and evaluate ourselves, and how we interact with our world.

【35题详解】根据上文“We humans are comparison creatures.(我们人类是比较动物)”以及后文“This quality may have evolved as a means of helping us fit into the social hierarchy (等级) of the cultures we inhabited.(这种品质可能是作为一种帮助我们融入我们所居住的文化的社会等级制度的手段而进化的)”可知,上文提到了人类是比较动物,且后文提到比较这种品质,可知本句主要对比较动物进行展开说明,说明人类爱和别人比较。故A选项“我们总是拿自己和别人比较”符合语境,故选A。【刘凯老师深入剖析:第35题选择A的原因是基于上文提到人类是比较动物,并且后文提到社会比较在个体心理和情感中发挥重要作用。具体来说:上文指出:“We humans are comparison creatures.”(我们人类是比较动物。)后文指出:“This quality may have evolved as a means of helping us fit into the social hierarchy of the cultures we inhabited.”(这种品质可能是作为一种帮助我们融入我们所居住的文化的社会等级制度的手段而进化的。)因此,基于上下文的逻辑,我们可以推断人类天生倾向于通过比较来适应社会等级制度。选项A:“We are constantly measuring ourselves against other people.”(我们不断地用自己来衡量其他人。)与文中表达的思想相吻合,因此被选择为正确答案。】

【2】It used to be that our primary reference of comparison was our local communities, primarily neighbors and co-workers. Because we tend to gather around those similar to ourselves in terms of educational level, work income, and shared interests, the range of differences when we compared ourselves to others was fairly small. Unfortunately, with the emergence of the Internet, we can now compare ourselves to literally anyone in the world.____36____What had in previous generations been a small gap in our comparisons has now become so large and unattainable.

【36题详解】根据上文“Unfortunately, with the emergence of the Internet, we can now compare ourselves to literally anyone in the world.(不幸的是,随着互联网的出现,我们现在可以将自己与世界上的任何人进行比较)”以及后文“What had in previous generations been a small gap in our comparisons has now become so large and unattainable.(在我们的比较中,前几代人的小差距现在变得如此之大,难以企及)”可知,上文提到了互联网让我们可以和世界上的任何人进行比较,且后文提到了前几代人的小差距现在变得如此之大,说明互联网导致比较的群体发生了变化,C选项“因此,我们现在接触到的群体与我们完全不同”符合语境,故选C。【刘凯老师深入剖析:第36题选择C的原因是基于上文提到互联网使得我们能够与世界上任何人进行比较,以及后文指出由于互联网的出现,以前的比较中的小差距变得巨大和难以企及。具体来说:上文指出:“Unfortunately, with the emergence of the Internet, we can now compare ourselves to literally anyone in the world.”(不幸的是,随着互联网的出现,我们现在可以将自己与世界上的任何人进行比较。)后文指出:“What had in previous generations been a small gap in our comparisons has now become so large and unattainable.”(在我们的比较中,前几代人的小差距现在变得如此之大,难以企及。)因此,上下文的逻辑关系表明由于互联网的出现,我们现在比较的对象变得更广泛且不同,这支持选项C:“Thus, we are now exposed to groups that are quite different from us.”(因此,我们现在接触到的群体与我们完全不同。)】【刘凯老师深入剖析:在这个题目中,上文提到互联网使我们可以与世界上任何人进行比较。后文指出由于互联网的出现,以前的比较中的小差距变得非常大,难以达到。这表明我们现在接触到的群体与我们以前接触的不同。因此,选项C:“Thus, we are now exposed to groups that are quite different from us.”(因此,我们现在接触到的群体与我们完全不同。)是正确的,因为它与文章的上下文和逻辑关系相符。】

【3】____37____When so many people that are easily discoverable on the Internet seem to be so successful. famous, influential and beautiful, given our preference to compare, it is difficult not to have it influence how we view ourselves. Sadly, these comparisons usually result in our feeling inadequate and “less than”.

【37题详解】根据后文内容“When so many people that are easily discoverable on the Internet seem to be so successful. famous, influential and beautiful, given our preference to compare, it is difficult not to have it influence how we view ourselves. Sadly, these comparisons usually result in our feeling inadequate and “less than”.(当这么多在互联网上很容易被发现的人看起来很成功的时候。名气、影响力和美貌,考虑到我们喜欢攀比,很难不影响我们对自己的看法。可悲的是,这些比较通常会导致我们感觉不足和“不如”)”可知,后文提到了互联网的比较影响了我们对自己的看法,导致我们感觉不足和“不如”,说明这种比较对我们的心理产生了影响。故G选项“这种新的比较水平对我们的心理生活有着巨大的影响”符合语境,故选G。【刘凯老师深入剖析:在第37题中,关键词是整个句子的内容,特别是涉及互联网上成功人士的比较以及对自我看法的影响。让我们一起详细解析:上文提到:“When so many people that are easily discoverable on the Internet seem to be so successful, famous, influential and beautiful...”(当这么多在互联网上很容易被发现的人看起来很成功的时候,名气、影响力和美貌...)后文指出:“...given our preference to compare, it is difficult not to have it influence how we view ourselves. Sadly, these comparisons usually result in our feeling inadequate and 'less than'.”(考虑到我们喜欢攀比,很难不影响我们对自己的看法。可悲的是,这些比较通常会导致我们感觉不足和“不如”。)因此,整个上下文揭示了互联网上成功人士的比较对个体心理产生的影响,特别是导致感觉不足和“不如”。在这个上下文背景下,选项G:“This new level of comparison has huge implications for our psychological lives.”(这种新的比较水平对我们的心理生活有着巨大的影响。)符合文章主旨,强调了互联网上的新比较水平对心理生活的重大影响。关键词:包括互联网、比较、成功人士、对自我看法的影响。逻辑上,选项G概括了互联网比较的影响,与文章的主旨一致。】

【4】These harmful comparisons also damage our emotional lives. When we feel lacking, we experience a variety of unpleasant and unhealthy emotions. We feel jealousy and envy for what others have and what we lack.这些有害的比较也会损害我们的情感生活。当我们感到匮乏时,我们会经历各种不愉快和不健康的情绪。我们对别人所拥有的和我们所缺乏的感到嫉妒和羡慕。____38____

【38题详解】根据上文“These harmful comparisons also damage our emotional lives. When we feel lacking, we experience a variety of unpleasant and unhealthy emotions. We feel jealousy and envy for what others have and what we lack.(这些有害的比较也会损害我们的情感生活。当我们感到匮乏时,我们会经历各种不愉快和不健康的情绪。我们对别人所拥有的和我们所缺乏的感到嫉妒和羡慕)”可知,本段的主旨是有害的比较会损害情感生活,本句为本段最后一句,故承接上文,主要说明对别人的比较产生的一些负面情绪。故E选项“我们甚至会对别人的不公平感到痛苦和愤怒”符合语境,故选E。【刘凯老师深入剖析:在第38题中,关键词主要集中在上文提到的有害的比较对情感生活的影响,特别是导致各种不愉快和不健康的情绪。让我们详细解析:上文提到:“These harmful comparisons also damage our emotional lives. When we feel lacking, we experience a variety of unpleasant and unhealthy emotions. We feel jealousy and envy for what others have and what we lack.”(这些有害的比较也会损害我们的情感生活。当我们感到匮乏时,我们会经历各种不愉快和不健康的情绪。我们对别人所拥有的和我们所缺乏的感到嫉妒和羡慕。)上文明确指出,有害的比较会导致情感生活受损,并引起各种不愉快和不健康的情绪,包括嫉妒和羡慕。因此,选项E:“We can even feel bitterness and anger at others for the unfairness of it all.”(我们甚至会对别人的不公平感到痛苦和愤怒。)在这个上下文语境中表达了由比较引起的负面情感,特别是对不公平感到痛苦和愤怒。关键词:包括有害的比较、情感生活、不愉快和不健康的情绪、嫉妒、羡慕、不公平感。逻辑上,选项E概括了由比较引起的痛苦和愤怒,与文章主旨一致。】

【5】It’s one thing to realize that you compare yourself to others. It’s another thing to recognize that social comparison is often corrosive (逐步侵蚀的) to you in so many ways psychologically and emotionally. It’s an entirely other thing to stop yourself from comparing yourself to others.意识到你和别人比较是一回事。认识到社会比较通常在心理和情感上对你有很多腐蚀作用是另一回事。阻止自己和别人比较完全是另一回事。____39____

【39题详解】根据上文“It’s one thing to realize that you compare yourself to others. It’s another thing to recognize that social comparison is often corrosive (逐步侵蚀的) to you in so many ways psychologically and emotionally. It’s an entirely other thing to stop yourself from comparing yourself to others.(意识到你和别人比较是一回事。认识到社会比较通常在心理和情感上对你有多方面的腐蚀性是另一回事。阻止自己和别人比较完全是另一回事)”可知,上文提到了阻止自己和别人进行比较是另一回事,本句为本段最后一句,故说明阻止自己和别人比较所带来的影响,故B选项“但这是可能的,而且为了你的心理健康,这是值得的”符合语境,故选B。【刘凯老师深入剖析:在第39题中,关键词主要集中在上文强调认识到社会比较对心理和情感的腐蚀性,并提到阻止自己和别人进行比较是一种不同的事情。让我们详细解析:上文提到:“It’s one thing to realize that you compare yourself to others. It’s another thing to recognize that social comparison is often corrosive to you in so many ways psychologically and emotionally. It’s an entirely other thing to stop yourself from comparing yourself to others.”(意识到你和别人比较是一回事。认识到社会比较通常在心理和情感上对你有多方面的腐蚀性是另一回事。阻止自己和别人比较完全是另一回事。)上文明确指出,阻止自己和别人进行比较是一种完全不同的行为,而非简单地认识到比较的存在。因此,选项B:“Yet it is possible, and it is worth the effort for your mental health.”(但这是可能的,而且为了你的心理健康,这是值得的。)在这个上下文语境中,强调了阻止比较的可能性,并强调了为了心理健康而付出努力的价值。关键词包括:认识到、社会比较、心理健康、阻止自己和别人比较。逻辑上,选项B概括了阻止比较的可能性和为心理健康付出努力的价值,与文章的主旨一致。】

刘凯,男,蒙古族,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔人。本科为哈尔滨师范大学英语教育专业,硕士为北京理工大学,北京大学宗教学系道教专业哲学硕士;2010年赴美国费城宾夕法尼亚大学交流学习;2013年美国亚利桑那州图森市(Tucson)亚利桑那大学访问学者;2015年澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔士大学ESL研修;2018年美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶加州理工学院语言学双学位获得者;2019年赴澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼麦考瑞大学交流习;2021年赴新加坡国立大学培训学习访谈;2023年赴美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)学习国际教育与全球领导力(International Teaching and Global Leadership Cohort)硕士专业;北京十佳教师;国家级骨干教师;GRE托福考试全球高分获得者;荣获长江商学院EMBA;英语专业八级(TEM 8)。


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