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Tense 时态

These are thetwo basic rulesyou should follow:

Check the graph title, and the pie chart subtitles, look for dates!

– if the year is before the present year (i.e. 2024), use the past tense

– if the year is after the present year (i.e 2025), use the future tense

– if there is no year, use the present simple tense.

Check you don’t accidentally switch the tense halfway through.

Sometimes you will get charts and graphs that will require you to use more than one tense, but do this deliberately and with caution.

A great tip to improve your answer when you are writing about past tense pie charts is to START your body paragraphs with fixed expressions in the present tense then switch to the past tense.



– 如果年份早于本年(即 2024 年),则使用过去时

– 如果年份在本年(即 2025 年)之后,则使用将来时

– 如果没有年份,请使用现在简单时。




For example:

The data shows that between 2000 and 2003, there was a significant decrease in the number of…

In contrast, it is evident that in the following year, sales of bread plummeted….


示例 Model Answer

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This pie chart shows the shares of total world food consumption held by each of seven different food types in 2014.

Meat is consumed the most, at 31.4 per cent. Fish has the second-highest consumption levels, at 27.9 per cent. Cereals consumption represents 11.7 per cent of the total. Fruits’ share of consumption is 10.6 per cent, followed closely by vegetables at 10.5 per cent, and then bread at 5.5 per cent. The smallest food group in terms of world consumption is rice, at 2.4 per cent.

The graphs show that overall global consumption is widely dispersed among food types; no one type has a majority share. Animal-based foods (meat and fish) do make up the majority of consumption when added together. It is important to note, however, that based on the information in this pie chart no conclusions can be drawn about the dietary diversity of an individual person.


How to compare two pie charts


Pie chart review

Take this example and decide what type of language we will need to describe it. We need in the first place language to describe proportions.


· per cent

(correctly spelt as two words)

· percentage

· proportion

· amount

· share

At the same time, we must be able to use the language of comparison – to say which country had the largest and smallest share etc.


· most/least

· largest/smallest

· more/less

· greater/smaller

Two pie charts: related topics, one-time frame (pie chart comparison)

For two pie charts on a different topic and the same time frame you need to use the language of proportion and comparison


Usually, task 1 will not be just one pie chart to describe but two or maybe more. This might involve two pie charts related in terms of “opposition” but static in the sense that both refer to the same time frame, normally a year. Look at the following which presents for the year 2018 the principal European Union trade partners in terms of food and drink: the first chart concerns export partners and the second, import.

通常,任务 1 不仅仅是一个要描述的饼图,而是两个或更多饼图。这可能涉及两个饼图,它们在“对立”方面相关,但从某种意义上说也是静态的,因为两者都指的是相同的时间范围,通常是一年。请看以下图表,其中显示了2018年欧盟在食品和饮料方面的主要贸易伙伴:第一张图表涉及出口伙伴,第二张图表涉及进口。

In this case, what kind of language do we need?

Of course, we still need the same language of proportion and pie chart comparison.

The major difference is the need to compare two pie charts, comparing exports with imports, making the task more complex.




Two pie charts: one topic only at different times


For two pie charts on a related topic and in a different time frame, you need to use the language of proportion and comparison and change.

Now, look at these pie charts. There are of course similarities with the first set. We will always need language to describe proportions and to compare items.



This set refers to agricultural exports from the USA to Cuba in 2005 and then in 2014. In other words, we have just one topic shown over time.

Therefore, we need to use language describing change and trends.

This may be more complex because we have to handle all of the following:

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· proportion language – to describe percentages

· comparison language – to describe the biggest and the smallest

· trend language – to describe what changes over time


· Do not start writing before giving yourself enough time to think. First, decide the language you will need in your answer. Give yourself 5 minutes to look, think and plan.

· Study the charts carefully: the titles for example to check if they deal with the same or connected topics.

· Check the time frames very carefully in the charts and plan how time differences will affect your choice of verb tenses.

· 在给自己足够的时间思考之前,不要开始写作。首先,确定您在答案中需要的语言。给自己 5 分钟的时间来观察、思考和计划。

· 仔细研究图表:例如标题,以检查它们是否涉及相同或相关的主题。

· 非常仔细地检查图表中的时间范围,并计划时差将如何影响您对动词时态的选择。






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