在总书记全面从严治党方略中,总结了全面从严治党的四种形态,批评和自我批评、党纪轻处分和组织处理、党纪重处分和职务调整、立案审查,与中药寒、热、温、凉的四种秉性不谋而合。Sichuan is rich in natural resources, and there are over a thousand types of medicinal herbs, including cold, heat, warmth, and coolness.四川,物产丰饶,药材更是上千种之多,寒、热、温、凉皆有,他们是身体补益固本、驱邪扶正的好帮手。全面从严治党的四种形态,更是实现政治效果、纪法效果、社会效果有机统一,为全川高质量发展营造风清气正的政治环境。 They are good helpers for nourishing the body, strengthening the foundation, and expelling evil spirits to support the health. The four forms of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party are aimed at achieving an organic unity of political, disciplinary, and social effects, creating a clean and upright political environment for the high-quality development of the entire province.

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治shu兴chuan是总书记长期的牵挂,更是一项艰巨而伟大的事业,各级党员干部需要长期坚持开展批评和自我批评,自我批评一日三省,相互批评随时随地,把问题掐灭在萌芽状态,让批评和自我批评成为党内生活的常态,不断增强各级党员干部的热血勇气,推动治shu兴chuan各项事业不断向前发展。Zhishu Xing chuan is the general secretary's long-term concern, but also adifficult and great cause, Party members and cadres at all levels need topersist in carrying out criticism and self-criticism for a long time,self-criticism three provinces a day, mutual criticism anytime and anywhere,nip the problem in the bud, let criticism and self-criticism become the normallife in the party, and constantly enhance the blood courage of Party membersand cadres at all levels. To promote the continuous development of variousundertakings in Zhi shu Xing chuan.

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用好“党纪轻处分和组织处理”“温”药,固“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”担当硬气。Make good use of "Party discipline light punishment andorganization treatment" and "warm" medicine, solid "BaoJianfeng from sharpening out, plum blossom fragrance from bitter cold" toplay hard.治shu兴chuan是总书记为四川发展指明的方向,治shu兴chuan的发展纪律保障更需要精准和科学。各级纪检监察干部要敢于善于揪住“小问题”,坚持动辄则咎,用足用好第二种形态,不断增强各级党员干部的担当硬气,推动治shu兴chuan各项事业不断向前发展。Zhishu Xing chuan is the direction indicated by the general secretary for thedevelopment of Sichuan, and the discipline guarantee of Zhi shu Xing chuan'sdevelopment needs to be accurate and scientific. Discipline inspection andsupervision cadres at all levels should dare to be good at grasping "smallproblems", insisting on taking the blame at every turn, making full use ofthe second form, constantly enhancing the toughness of Party members and cadresat all levels, and promoting the continuous development of variousundertakings.

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用好“重处分和职务调整”“凉”药,培“风雨不改凌云志,振衣濯足展襟怀”浩然正气。Use the "heavy punishment and position adjustment" and"cool" medicine, cultivate "wind and rain do not change LingyunZhi, Zhen clothes Zhuo foot exhibition" Haoren Zhengqi.治shu兴chuan是总书记赋予四川的时代使命,更是四川主攻方向上的赶考之路。治shu Xing chuan is the mission of The Times given to Sichuan by thegeneral Secretary, and it is also the way to catch up on the main direction ofSichuan.各级纪检监察干部在赶考之路上要敢于亮剑,坚守纪律底线,严格规范第三种形态,让顶风违纪、造成恶劣影响的少数党员干部从严从重处理,不断增强各级党员干部的浩然正气,推动治shu兴chuan各项事业不断向前发展。Disciplineinspection and supervision cadres at all levels should dare to show theirswords on the way to the exam, adhere to the bottom line of discipline,strictly regulate the third form, so that the minority of party members andcadres who violate discipline and cause bad effects are dealt with strictly andseriously, constantly enhance the Haoren integrity of party members and cadresat all levels, and promote the continuous development of various undertakingsof governing zhi shu Xing chuan.

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用好“立案审查调查”“寒”药,祛“万里悲秋常作客,百年多病独登台”的沉疴重疾。Make good use of "caseinvestigation" and "cold" medicine to remove "thousands ofmiles of sad autumn often visitors, more than a hundred years of disease aloneon the stage".治shu兴chuan是总书记历次到川的殷殷嘱托,更是殷切期望。治shu Xing chuan is the earnest exhortation of the general secretaryto Sichuan every time, but also the ardent expectation.各级纪检监察干部要用猛药、起沉疴、祛重疾、扶正气,保持高压态势,持续强化第四种形态,坚持力度不减、节奏不变,持续保持惩治腐败高压态势,不断净化全川各级发展环境,清除害群之马,祛毒疗伤,扶正祛邪,为治shu兴chuan各项事业不断向前发展提供清正廉明的政治保障。Discipline inspection and supervision cadres at all levels shoulduse fierce medicine, cure illness, remove serious diseases, support healthy qi,maintain high pressure situation, continue to strengthen the fourth form,adhere to the intensity of not reducing, the rhythm is unchanged, continue tomaintain the high-pressure situation of punishing corruption, and constantlypurify the development environment at all levels of the whole Sichuan, removeblack sheep, remove poison and cure wounds, fuzheng and exorcise evil.(雎水 唐燕春)