'Avatar: Way of Water' surpasses 'Top Gun: Maverick' at the global box office with $1.5 billion《阿凡达:水之道》超越《壮志凌云:特立独行》,达到全球票房15亿美元

The original 'Avatar' film brought in over $3.5 billion in 2009第一部《阿凡达》电影在2009年的票房收入超过了35亿美元

"Avatar: The Way of Water" is dominating box office sales, surpassing the highly anticipated "Top Gun: Maverick" released during the summer.《阿凡达:水之道》正占据票房冠军,超过了备受期待的夏季上映的《壮志凌云:特立独行》。

Global ticket sales for theJames Cameron-directed film have surpassed $1.5 billion, according to Deadline. The original Avatar film released in 2009 became the highest-grossing movie in the history of cinema with global ticket sales of $3.5 billion.根据Deadline的统计,这部由詹姆斯·弗朗西斯·卡梅隆执导的电影的全球票房已经超过了15亿美元。2009年上映的第一版《阿凡达》电影以35亿美元的全球票房成为电影史上票房最高的电影。

However, "Maverick" remains the highest-grossing film of 2022 because a large potion of "Avatar" ticket sales were recorded the first week of 2023.然而,,《特立独行》仍然是2022年票房最高的电影,因为《阿凡达》大部分票房来自2023年的第一周。

"Maverick" brought in a total of $1.49 billion as the sequel to the classic 1986 film withTom Cruiseas the star in both action thrillers.作为1986年经典电影的续集,《特立独行》总共带来了14.9亿美元的收入,在这两部动作惊悚片中,汤姆·克鲁斯都是主角。


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"Avatar 2" fell short of expectations for its domestic debut. (20th Century Studios via AP / AP Newsroom)《阿凡达2》在国内的首次亮相没有达到预期。(20th Century Studios via AP / AP Newsroom)

A breakdown of its current box office sales totals over $1 billion from international markets and revenue of over $400 million in the United States. Overall,"Way of Water"takes the 11th spot among the highest-grossing films of all time.它目前在国际市场的票房总收入超过10亿美元,在美国的收入超过4亿美元。总的来说,《水之道》在有史以来票房最高的电影中排名第11位。

The film's commercial success alsohelped make Disney the highest earnerat the box office for the seventh consecutive year with revenue of nearly $5 billion.这部电影的商业成功也帮助迪士尼连续第七年成为票房收入最高的公司,收入近50亿美元。

Disney acquired the rights to the popular sci-fi franchise in 2019 after purchasing 20th Century Fox.迪士尼在收购20世纪福克斯后,于2019年获得了这部热门科幻电影的版权。

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"Avatar: The Way of Water" has generated $1.5 billion in box office ticket sales. (20th Century Studios via AP / AP Newsroom)《阿凡达:水之道》已经创造了15亿美元的票房收入。(20th Century Studios via AP / AP Newsroom)

The film's overall budget was $350 million, which was well above the studio's break-even figure. Future installments to the franchise are likely due to the film's mostly positive reviews and ticket sales. Cameron had reportedly been working on "Way of the Water" since 2006.这部电影的总预算为3.5亿美元,远远高于该工作室的盈亏平衡数字。由于这部电影的大部分好评和票房收入,该系列未来的几部电影很可能会上映。据报道,卡梅隆自2006年以来一直在制作《水之道》。

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