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  1. 海地总统的遗孀首次接受采访
  2. 英国女王和首相希望,英国能在2020欧洲杯冠军赛中获胜
  3. 阿比.艾哈迈德以压倒性优势赢得了埃塞俄比亚大选
  4. 阿根廷在决赛中击败巴西,梅西赢得了他的第一座美洲杯冠军
  5. 理查德.布兰森爵士表示,太空飞机将是“独一无二”的

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BBC 07月11日头条新闻

The injured widow of Haiti's president has described the moment assassins "riddled" her husband with bullets after bursting into their home in the middle of the night.

Martine Moïse said the attack happened so quickly, her husband Jovenel was unable to "say a single word".

President Moïse was killed on 7 July, allegedly by 28 foreign mercenaries.

Mrs Moïse was also injured in the attack, and was flown to Miami for treatment.



莫伊斯总统于 7 月 7 日被杀害,据称他是被 28 名外国雇佣军杀害的。



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BBC 07月11日头条新闻

The Queen and Boris Johnson have led messages of support to the England team ahead of the Euro 2020 final.

The monarch recalled presenting the World Cup trophy to Bobby Moore in 1966 as she praised the current team's "spirit, commitment and pride with which you have conducted yourselves".

And in a letter to the squad, the prime minister said they had "lifted the spirits of the whole country".

The Duke of Cambridge said he "can't really believe this is happening".

在 2020 年欧洲杯决赛前夕,英国女王和首相鲍里斯·约翰逊 (Boris Johnson) 已经向英格兰队发出了支持的消息。

在女王回忆起 1966 年向鲍比·摩尔(Bobby Moore)颁发世界杯奖杯时,她称赞了现在英国队“表现出的精神、承诺和自豪感”。




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BBC 07月11日头条新闻

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has won the country's delayed elections with an overwhelming majority, the election board said on Saturday.

The board said Mr Abiy's Prosperity Party won 410 out of 436 seats, giving him another five-year term in office.

However, a fifth of the country failed to carry out voting overall due to insecurity and logistical problems.

Polls were not held in the war-torn Tigray region, where many thousands are living in famine conditions.


选举委员会表示,阿比先生的繁荣党赢得了 436 个席位中的 410 个,使他的任期又延长了五年。




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BBC 07月11日头条新闻

Lionel Messi ended his wait for a first major international title as Argentina beat Brazil in the Copa America final in Rio's Maracana stadium.

Messi, 34, dropped to the ground in joy at the full-time whistle and was swiftly mobbed by his team-mates, before being hurled in the air in celebration, as he finally claimed top-level honours with his country in his 10th major tournament.

He also helped end Argentina's 28-year spell since they last won the competition and was named player of the tournament after his four goals in the competition.

Angel di Maria proved the matchwinner with his superb lob, after taking down Rodrigo de Paul's lofted pass.


34 岁的梅西在全场哨声响起时欣喜若狂地倒在地上,并迅速被队友围住,然后被扔到空中庆祝,因为他终于在他的第 10 个大满贯赛事中获得了国家最高级别的荣誉。

他还帮助阿根廷结束了长达 28 年未获胜的魔咒,并在比赛中打入四个进球后被评为锦标赛最佳球员。



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BBC 07月11日头条新闻

UK businessman Sir Richard Branson is about to realise a lifetime's ambition by flying to the edge of space.

He'll ride his Virgin Galactic rocket plane on Sunday to an altitude where the sky turns black and the Earth's horizon curves away into the distance.

The entrepreneur says he wants to evaluate the experience before allowing paying customers aboard next year.

The vehicle will set off for the 1.5-hour mission above New Mexico at about 07:00 local US time (14:00 BST).




该飞机将在美国当地时间 07:00 左右(英国夏令时 14:00)出发前往新墨西哥上空执行 1.5 小时的任务。