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MAP考试科目包含Reading(阅读、词汇等内容)、Language Usage(语法、写作等内容)、Mathematics(数学)、Science(科学)【注意一下,国内国际学校入学考试大多数不考科学部分】




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1. Which word is NOT spelled correctly?

a. drinking

b. bakeing

c. shaking

d. batting

2. This one is _______ than that one.

Choose the correct word or words to complete this sentence.

a. good

b. better

c. more good

d. best

3. School buses stop _______.

Which choice best completes this sentence?

a. more frequent

b. frequent

c. frequently

d. more frequently


1. They are the only mammals that fly. They are very helpful to farmers because they eat so many insects. Bat droppings are used as a fertilizer. Bats are an important part of our ecosystem, even though many people are afraid of them.

The writer thinks bats:

a. are scary and awful

b. are an important part of our ecosystem

c. eat fertilizer

d. sleep all night

2. Read the story.

At recess time, the 4th grade class was playing a fun game of soccer on the playground. Three 6th graders joined the game and things got rough. The 4th graders decided that they would never allow any 6th graders to play with them again.

What bias do the 4th grade students have?

a.They think 6th graders are better players.

b.They think 6th graders are not fun to play with.

c.They think only 4th graders should play soccer.

d.They think all 6th graders play roughly.

3. Read the sentence.

“Before we begin, we all need to make sure we have our lines memorized, our costumes fit, we have enough make-up, and the stage and props are ready,” the tall man said.

Which person would not participate in the above scene?

a. actor

b. seamstress

c. nurse

d. actress


在这里Ace老师再次提醒各位同学,MAP考试的考察面是非常广泛的,比如说MAP阅读部分,对词汇,语法, 句子理解和应用,阅读涉猎面都提出了比较高的要求,希望大家千万不要掉以轻心!MAP考试备考,面对着多年级大纲不分拆的问题、面对着目标分数不确定的问题、面对着题库不确定、自适应考试的问题,而MAP测试题是最好熟悉自身情况的备考工具!种种问题,如何解决,Ace老师认为,寻找专业的人来辅助,才是最高效率的事情,与Ace老师交流(call-me-ace)!