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21.Coyle argues in her new book that economic growth should_______.

C. benefit people equally.

原文线索: Coyle emphasizes the need for the gains from economic growth, particularly in the digital economy, to be more evenly shared, contrasting the current situation where tech millionaires and billionaires thrive while middle-income jobs are undercut by automation.

22.According to paragraph 2, digital technology should be useful to______.

C. raise overall work efficiency.

原文线索:Coyle suggests that digital technologies need to be used to boost productivity in various sectors like health care and construction, which implies an increase in overall work efficiency.

23.What does Coyle fear about transformative technology?

D. They may be unwelcome to the public.

原文线索:Coyle expresses concern that if people do not see the benefits of these technologies and only witness the destruction of good jobs, they may not embrace the changes, indicating a fear of public unwelcomeness or resistance.

24.Several American cities are mentioned to show______.

A. the uneven distribution of AI technologies in the US.

原文线索:The mention of cities like San Francisco, San Jose, Boston, and Seattle having a significant portion of tech jobs and AI assets highlights the geographical disparities and concentration of AI technologies in a few areas.

25.With regard to Coyle's concern, the author suggests______.

D. redefining the role of AI technologies.

原文线索:The author suggests broadening digital imaginations to conceive of AI technologies that expand opportunities and don't just replace jobs, which implies a redefinition of how AI is utilized in various sectors.


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26.It can be learned from paragraph 1 that the UK needs to _______.

A. increase its domestic wood supply.

原文线索:The paragraph highlights the UK's reliance on timber imports and the fact that only 20 percent of its wood requirement is home-grown, indicating a need to increase domestic wood supply.

27.According to Confor, the UK government’s fresh incentives _____.

A. can hardly address the construction crisis.

原文线索:Confor criticizes the government's incentives for not going far enough and failing to promote the benefits of planting trees for boosting timber supplies, suggesting that these incentives are insufficient to address the looming construction crisis.

28.The UK’s exposure to fluctuating wood prices is a result of _____.

B. inadequate investment in growing wood.

原文线索:Stuart Goodall of Confor mentions that the UK has not taken responsibility for investing in its domestic wood supply, which has left it exposed to fluctuating prices and supply issues.

29.Which of the following causes the shortage of wood supply in the UK?

D. farmers’ unwillingness to plant trees.

原文线索:While not explicitly stated, the context suggests that the shortage of wood supply is due to insufficient tree planting, which could be attributed to landowners' or farmers' priorities, such as food production and biodiversity, rather than tree planting for timber.

30.What does Goodall think the UK government should do?

C. provide more support for tree planting.

原文线索:Goodall emphasizes the need for the UK land to provide secure supplies of wood for construction and contribute to the net-zero strategy, suggesting that the government should offer more support for tree planting.


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31.According to Paragraph 1, keeping unsafe aging drivers off the road ________.

C. can be a tough task to complete.

原文线索:The paragraph discusses the challenge of convincing aging drivers to stop driving, which suggests it is a difficult task to accomplish.

32.The American Medical Association's advice ________.

D. has met with different responses.

Rationale: The paragraph describes various state laws regarding physician reporting of unsafe drivers, ranging from mandatory reporting to considering it a breach of confidentiality, indicating varied responses to the advice.

33.According to Dugan, efforts to keep older drivers safe _________.

B. need to be well coordinated.

Rationale: Dugan mentions the piecemeal approach of different professions to the issue and the absence of a dedicated institute for older driver studies, implying the need for better coordination.

34.Some older drivers have trouble driving because they tend to ___________.

B. have a weakened memory.

原文线索:The paragraph mentions issues such as the inability to turn their heads, memory problems, and difficulty in reaching car pedals, among which weakened memory is explicitly mentioned as a reason for driving difficulties.

35.Dugan thinks that the solution to the problems of crashes may lie in _________.

B. developing senior-friendly cars.

原文线索:Dugan suggests the need for cars that a 90-year-old can drive comfortably, indicating the development of senior-friendly cars as a potential solution to the problem of crashes.


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36.The research findings are cited in Paragraph 1 to show ___.

A. the prevalence of health apps.

Rationale: The mention of the number of health apps available and the number launched in 2020 highlights the widespread availability and prevalence of health apps in the market.

37.What does the author imply about existing health privacy law?

A. Its coverage needs to be extended.

Rationale: The author notes that existing health privacy laws primarily focus on traditional healthcare providers and do not adequately cover the health information collected by apps, implying a need for broader coverage.

38.Before sharing its users' health information, Flo Health is required to____.

D. obtain their explicit permission.

Rationale: The Consent Order requires Flo Health to get app users' express affirmative consent before sharing their health information, meaning they need explicit permission from users.

39.What challenges is the FTC currently faced with?

B. The rapid increase in new health apps.

Rationale: The text mentions the immense challenge for the FTC due to the rapid rate at which health apps are entering the market, indicating the difficulty in keeping up with and regulating these new apps.

40.It can be learned from the last paragraph that health data protection _____.

D. has gained legislative support in some states.

Rationale: The paragraph mentions states like California, Virginia, Colorado, and Utah passing their own consumer data privacy legislation, indicating that health data protection has received legislative support at the state level.

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41.Sue Rexford

C. Undertaking too many extracurricular activities will hardly be seen as a plus by colleges.

原文线索:Sue Rexford mentions that it is not necessary for students to list 10 activities in the Common Application, indicating that having a large number of extracurricular activities is not essential.

42.Sara Harberson

E. High school students participating in popular activity should excel in it.

原文线索:Sara Harberson advises that if students are going to do a popular activity, they should be the best at it, emphasizing excelling in the activity rather than just participating.

43.Katie Kelley

A. Students who stand out in a specific extracurricular activity will be favored by top-tier institutions.

原文线索:Katie Kelley states that distinguishing oneself in one focused type of extracurricular activity can be a positive in the admissions process for highly selective institutions.

44.Mayghin Levine

G. It is advisable for students to choose an extracurricular activity that is related to their future study at college.

Rationale: Mayghin Levine suggests that having an extracurricular activity related to the college major declared on a college application can be a big plus.

45.Erica Gwyn

B. Students whose extracurricular activity has benefited their community are likely to win a scholarship.

原文线索:Erica Gwyn mentions that high school students who have had a strong positive influence on their community through an extracurricular activity may impress a college and win a scholarship.


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Dear Jack,

I hope this email finds you well. I've been thinking about our upcoming survey on the protection of old houses in the ancient town and wanted to share my plan with you.

My idea is to start by conducting interviews with local residents and historians to understand the historical significance of these old houses. Additionally, we could document their current conditions through photographs and note any preservation efforts already in place. This data would provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of existing preservation measures.

I also think it would be beneficial to gather opinions from tourists and local business owners, as they offer different perspectives on the importance of these old houses to the town's heritage and economy.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this approach or any other ideas you might have. Your insights would be greatly appreciated in shaping our survey to make it as impactful as possible.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Li Ming

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