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Zero, let the bad not affect the future, let the good not confuse the present.

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Good habits can bring you unimaginable happiness and even silently change your life.

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Traveling can broaden one's horizons and eliminate all prejudices.

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The advantage of being an hardworking person is that they will always want to help you when they see you. If you don't make any effort on your own, people may want to give you a hand, but they don't know where your hand is.

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A sunny day, just like a shining moment in life, every ray of light is a recognition of past efforts.

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All human wisdom is contained in these five words: wait and hope!

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Many times, the person who consults already has an answer in their mind and comes to inquire just to confirm that their decision is right.

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There is only one thing in life, and that is to live well for oneself.

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The self we see may not always be what we like. To transform from the current you into the person you want to be, one must undergo a change in behavior and attitude, require hard work, courage, and determination.