
Calligrapher Wang Gaogao, in his youth, served in the military and police, devoting his spare time to studying calligraphy. His style evolved from clerical to seal script. He dedicated significant time and effort to seal script creation, striving to inherit the robustness of Qin seal script, the grandeur of bronze and stone drum inscriptions, and the precision of small seal script. His bronze inscription works incorporate the rigorous structure of Han clerical and Tang regular scripts, gradually forming a unique style with high aesthetic value. In recent years, he has focused on educating and popularizing bronze inscription calligraphy, achieving remarkable success and gaining widespread acclaim in the art world.

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His works have frequently participated in national, provincial, and municipal calligraphy and painting exhibitions, repeatedly being selected for the "First Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Hundred Flowers Artist Masterpiece Exhibition," earning the honorary title of "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Hundred Flowers Artist." He also participated in the 22nd and 23rd International Science and Peace Week Calligraphy and Painting Exhibitions, with his works included in the large-scale album "Ode to Peace," presented to over eighty organizations and national leaders and institutions of the United Nations. In 2012, he signed with Zhaotai Culture and joined the Chinese Artists Cloud Copyright Alliance.


Wang Gaogao states that bronze inscriptions, from the late Shang to Qin, span fifteen centuries, varying across regions and eras, with diverse styles coexisting, providing unmatched creative space compared to other scripts. Bronze inscription calligraphy, enduring and ever-new, offers endless inspiration and contemplation.


Wang Gaogao believes that the creation of bronze inscription calligraphy is boundless and free. Calligraphers can adapt different historical and regional styles, blending them to enrich their works. Learning bronze inscriptions should integrate modern writing tools and aesthetic concepts, imagining oneself as an ancient person, using contemporary tools to create works that reflect the writing characteristics of bronze inscriptions. Although original bronze inscriptions were cast in bronze, losing some of their written nature over time, modern creators can revive their written and artistic essence. In creating bronze inscriptions, it is essential to draw from ancient ideas while incorporating new insights, making the works embody both ancient grandeur and modern vibrancy.

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Wang Gaogao is devoted to the research and transmission of bronze inscription calligraphy, advocating that its study requires a combination of theory and practice, as only profound theoretical understanding can lead to far-reaching artistic creation. He believes that contemporary calligraphers have a responsibility to research and transmit bronze inscriptions, continuously exploring and innovating, thus ensuring the enduring brilliance of bronze inscription calligraphy in the art world, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations. Though the path of bronze inscriptions is steeped in ancient profundity, modern creation, if able to connect the past and present, can undoubtedly shine anew.


After retiring, Wang Gaogao withdrew from worldly affairs, dedicating himself to the study and refinement of bronze inscription calligraphy, sparing no effort. He often shares his insights and experiences with fellow enthusiasts, hoping for collective progress and excellence. Although he modestly refers to himself as a "soy sauce maker" in the calligraphy world, he diligently practices, accumulating numerous insights during his creative process, aspiring to inspire future learners and widely disseminate his knowledge. In every long scroll and short note, he pours his heart and soul, bridging ancient and modern elements, infusing his unique perspective. He often says, "Retirement is not an end; the path of calligraphy is a long journey." Each stroke and character is meticulously considered, striving to inherit ancient charm and create new chapters. His works sometimes exude a majestic and solemn atmosphere, while other times they possess a fresh and lively charm, a result of his dedicated effort and focused practice. Wang Gaogao frequently states, "The path of calligraphy is endless, only diligence and perseverance matter." His resolve remains unwavering, his enthusiasm undiminished with age. He hopes that his modest insights can help learners on the path of bronze inscription calligraphy, encouraging progress, promoting ancient art, and ensuring its lasting legacy.


In Wang Gaogao's heart, bronze inscription calligraphy is not merely a form of art but a vital carrier of ancient Chinese script culture. Through continuous research and creation, bronze inscription calligraphy can radiate new brilliance, enhancing the historical depth and cultural charm of calligraphic art. He believes bronze inscription calligraphy encapsulates the essence of ancient scripts and the lineage of millennia-old civilization, making it a cultural treasure. Whenever he approaches bronze inscriptions, he does so with reverence, delving into their meanings and savoring their rhythms. He often seeks the remnants of ancient sages in old steles and fragmented texts, integrating his understanding to create new works. He asserts that bronze inscription calligraphy must inherit the strength of ancient styles while introducing new trends, ensuring its enduring vitality in the calligraphic field and shining through the ages.
