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When it comes to first impressions, we all want to make a good one. And that’s why we tend to focus on our best traits and qualities. However, we often fall into the trap of thinking that everything about us needs to be perfect. But that’s just unrealistic. We all have imperfections. It’s part of being human. And while it’s easy to believe that our ‘supposed flaws and imperfections’ make us less attractive, here are some that can actually make us seem more appealing to others:

World Immunization Week is a reminder of the life-saving power of vaccines.

50 years ago, in 1974, WHO launched the Expanded Program on Immunization, bringing countries together to provide children everywhere with vaccines. Since then, vaccination has saved an estimated 154 million lives from diseases like measles, tetanus, diphtheria, and pneumonia.

Thanks to vaccination, an infant born today is 40% more likely to survive to their first birthday than they were 50 years ago. And with new vaccines against malaria and cervical cancer, we can save more lives than ever.

And yet millions of children are missing out on vaccines due to disruptions from the Covid-19 pandemic, conflict and other crisis. Old killers like measles and diphtheria are resurging.

This World Immunization Week, WHO is calling on governments to reverse this trend. With renewed political commitment, sustainable funding, integrated planning, community engagement and research and development, we can show it’s humanly possible to give the life-saving power of vaccines to every child.


When it comes to first impressions, we all want to make a good one. And that’s why we tend to focus on our best traits and qualities. However, we often fall into the trap of thinking that everything about us needs to be perfect. But that’s just unrealistic. We all have imperfections. It’s part of being human. And while it’s easy to believe that our ‘supposed flaws and imperfections’ make us less attractive, here are some that can actually make us seem more appealing to others:


  1. Immunization(免疫接种):通过接种疫苗使人体产生免疫力以抵抗疾病。

  2. Vaccines(疫苗):一种预防性医学制品,用于提高机体对特定疾病的免疫力。

  3. Expanded Program on Immunization(扩大免疫计划):旨在推广疫苗接种的计划,促进全球儿童接种疫苗。

  4. Tetanus(破伤风):一种由破伤风梭菌引起的严重感染性疾病。

  5. Diphtheria(白喉):一种由白喉杆菌引起的呼吸道传染病。

  6. Pneumonia(肺炎):一种由细菌、病毒或真菌引起的肺部感染。

  7. Malaria(疟疾):一种由疟原虫引起的传染病,通过蚊虫叮咬传播。

  8. Cervical cancer(子宫颈癌):一种发生在女性子宫颈部位的恶性肿瘤。

  9. Measles(麻疹):一种高度传染的呼吸道疾病,常导致皮疹和发热。

  10. Sustainable funding(可持续资金):指持续且可靠的资金来源,用于支持项目或计划。

  11. Community engagement(社区参与):鼓励社区居民积极参与社会事务和活动。


1. What was launched by WHO in 1974 to provide children with vaccines?

A) Expanded Program on Immunization

B) Global Conflict Resolution Program

C) Childhood Development Initiative

D) Disease Prevention Campaign

2. According to the passage, how many lives have been estimated to be saved by vaccination since 1974?

A) 100 million lives

B) 200 million lives

C) 154 million lives

D) 50 million lives

3. Which of the following diseases is mentioned as resurging due to children missing out on vaccines?

A) Polio B) Tuberculosis

C) Measles D) Influenz



