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Pascal Choveby凭借扎实的素描功底和写实主义的艺术主张,创作了不少深受欢迎的油画作品。他的慵懒情调系列人体油画,精致入微,清淡高雅,充满活力和轻松愉快的性情。画面人物安静寂寥,看似慵懒孤独,实却具有动人心弦的张力,给我们不同凡响的视觉体验,反映了画家娴熟的绘画语言和艺术表现力。Young French painter Pascal Choveby, born in 1968, is one of the most unique contemporary artists in the world.Pascal Choveby has created many popular oil paintings with his solid sketch skills and realistic artistic ideas.His Languid mood series of body paintings, delicate, elegant, full of energy and relaxed and pleasant temperament.The figures in the painting are quiet and lonely, seemingly lazy and lonely, but actually they have a touching tension, which gives us a visual experience of Dynamite and reflects the artist's skillful painting language and artistic expression.


Pascal Choveby,法国艺术家,出生于1968年。是世界上最独特的当代艺术家之一。Pascal Choveby凭借扎实的素描功底和写实主义的艺术主张,创作了不少深受欢迎的油画作品。他的慵懒情调系列人体油画,精致入微,清淡高雅,充满活力和轻松愉快的性情。画面人物安静寂寥,看似慵懒孤独,实却具有动人心弦的张力,给我们不同凡响的视觉体验,反映了画家娴熟的绘画语言和艺术表现力。

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