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On March 19, nearly 40 representatives from leading European multinational companies and business associations gathered in Wuxi for a cooperation and exchange forum. The event highlighted the city's dynamic business environment and showcased WND's commitment to attracting top European industries, technologies, and talent. WND aims to set a model for China-Europe economic cooperation and contribute to a stronger future for China-Europe relations.


The opening ceremony of Gigalane's China headquarters took place at the Xingang Integrated Circuit Equipment Parts Industrial Park, WND, on March 20. As a South Korean company listed on the KOSDAQ, Gigalane specializes in the production and R&D of semiconductor equipment and mobile communication modules. The newly established China headquarters has launched a demo product verification line, which will help expand Gigalane's semiconductor equipment business and supply in China and the global market, boosting its market share in global semiconductor etching equipment.


JD Group signed an agreement to establish Wuxi's first cross-border e-commerce industrial park in WND on March 19. The project will leverage WND's strategic advantages and JD Group's existing operations to attract top industry players, foster local brands, and drive cross-border trade. Within five years, the park aims to bring in at least 10 leading enterprises and generate over 10 billion yuan ($1.38 billion) in revenue.


On March 18, WND leaders visited Shanghai to connect with top enterprises and the Wuxi (Yangtze River Delta) Innovation Cooperation Center. The visit saw the signing of an agreement for the headquarters project of a leading AI and mixed reality company while fostering new opportunities for regional cooperation and resource integration.

3月21日,“惠享缤纷夜 乐GO在新吴”2025新吴夜经济促消费活动在新之城购物广场东集西市启动。此次夜经济促消费活动以“樱花+运动+夜游”三核联动为特色,借助无锡马拉松赛事举办的热潮,依托商业街区、城市综合体、公园广场等载体,构建“夜食尚”“夜艺赏”“夜潮购”“夜乐动”“夜趣游”五大消费场景,打造沉浸式夜间消费场景矩阵,打造“科创聚高新,烟火悦新吴”的经济发展和城市形象的新名片。

WND launched a promotional campaign for the night economy on March 21, featuring a unique blend of cherry blossoms, sports, and night tours. Riding the momentum of the Wuxi Marathon, the campaign transforms commercial hubs, urban complexes, parks, and squares into vibrant nighttime hotspots, enhancing both economic vitality and city appeal.


The Dialogue with Europe – Green and Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation and Cooperation Exchange & China-Europe Industrial Innovation Zone Global Investment Promotion event was held in Meicun sub-district, WND on March 20. The event saw the launch of a China-France AI industry alliance, a China-German robotics alliance, and a China-Italy Fibreconnect technology alliance, alongside the signing of agreements for several industrial and talent projects.

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The first Huawei liquid-cooled ultra-fast charging station in WND is now operational at the LongShine Sci-Tech Industrial Park. Built by LongShine and Suzhou Qinglang New Energy, the station offers public charging services, with speeds of up to "one kilometer per second" thanks to its smart microgrid system.

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今年是中欧建交50周年,3月20日,“梅里古镇奇妙夜”活动在吴文化发源地梅里古镇盛大启幕。活动邀请约260余名国际友人共赴这场融汇传统与现代的文明之约,通过非遗文化打卡集章、天台音乐会、水幕秀、传统趣味互动游戏等活动感受中华文化精髓。梅里古镇推出“Chill In Meili”便利化服务品牌,涵盖支付、文旅、交通等各大领域,以精细化服务传递梅里古镇的开放姿态。

In celebration of 50 years of China-EU relations, Meili Ancient Town in WND hosted the "2025 Amazing Night at Meili Ancient Town" event on March 20, bringing together about 260 international guests on a cultural journey. From heritage experiences to rooftop concerts and water screen projections, the night blended tradition with modern charm. The town also launched the "Chill in Meili" service brand, enhancing convenience in payments and transportation to welcome visitors from all over the world.


A new scenic spot has emerged along the Bodu River in WND! The newly opened Linghu Avenue Park, spanning 20,000 square meters, offers a vibrant public space blending nature, leisure, sports, and canal culture. More upgrades along the river are coming this year, shaping a scenic waterfront for the community.


The aluminum alloy shell structure of the Wuxi Symphony Hall's main hall was completed on March 17, marking the completion of all structural work. The project has now entered a new phase, with exterior work set to finish by May, followed by interior decoration and organ installation. The hall is expected to be fully completed by December 2025, ensuring a fantastic New Year's concert in 2026.

编辑 | 李幼优

来源 | 无锡高新区融媒体中心

内容编译制作 | 中国日报无锡公司

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