
Chantelle Huang,President of of HIYA —


Hong Kong Art Pioneer: Manling Cheung's Multidimensional Artistic Journey

在藝術的廣袤天地裏,張曼靈以其獨樹一幟的風格和深厚的藝術底蘊,成為備受矚目的存在。他 1972 年生於同安,在香港長大,祖父輩作為南洋華僑,對藝術收藏及創作的熱愛,如同一顆藝術的種子,早早在他心中種下。異國文化藝術的薰陶,涵蓋攝影、新詩和繪畫等領域,為他的藝術之路奠定了多元且豐富的基礎。

In the vast expanse of the art world, Manling Cheung has carved out a unique presence with his distinctive style and deep artistic foundation. Born in 1972 in Tong'an and raised in Hong Kong, his passion for art was nurtured by his grandfather, a Southeast Asian Chinese expatriate, whose love for art collection and creation planted the seed of artistic inspiration in him at an early age. Immersed in diverse cultural influences, including photography, modern poetry, and painting, his artistic path has been shaped by a rich and multifaceted foundation, setting the stage for his remarkable journey in the world of art.

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Manling Cheung's academic journey has added vivid strokes to the canvas of his artistic growth. In the early 1990s, seeking to deeply explore abstract art, he traveled across the globe to study in the United States. There, he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Paier College of Art, US, and later obtained a Master’s degree in Visual Arts from Norwich University, US. During his time abroad, he not only systematically acquired professional knowledge but also studied calligraphy under the guidance of renowned artist Wong Pui Kong. The nourishment of calligraphy art provided him with unique inspiration for his future creations.

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張曼靈早期受存在主義藝術大師賈科梅蒂和達達主義大師杜尚影響,作品呈現出以思維意識為引領、畫面失真卻暗含強烈隱喻的風格。但他並未滿足於此,在練習中國書法藝術的過程中,他實現自我突破,開啟 “意識流” 繪畫之旅。這種風格擺脫了前人的束縛,回歸到純粹的創作本心。

Early in his career, Manling Cheung was deeply influenced by existentialist art master Alberto Giacometti and Dadaist pioneer Marcel Duchamp. His works initially featured a style guided by thought and consciousness, with distorted visuals that carried strong metaphors. However, he did not settle for this approach. Through his practice of Chinese calligraphy, he experienced a personal breakthrough, embarking on a journey into "stream of consciousness". This new style freed him from the constraints of past traditions, returning to the pure essence of creative expression.

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他的作品風格難以簡單界定,喜歡運用難以辨解的顏色、質感、物料和形象營造畫面。創作時,他放棄事先精心算計,讓繪畫自然發展形成觀念,這使得作品充滿神秘意象。在眾多作品中,“人中系列”“火墨系列” 等都是其代表性創作。以紙本(水彩、拼貼、水墨)創作的 “再創常玉系列 1,2,3”,通過獨特技法展現出別樣藝術魅力;混合媒體(油彩、水墨宣紙)帆布創作的《亂象》《午後》等作品,呈現出更為豐富的藝術層次。

His artistic style is difficult to define simply, as he enjoys using indecipherable colors, textures, materials, and images to construct his compositions. During the creative process, he abandons meticulous planning and allows the painting to naturally evolve into its own conceptual narrative, resulting in works filled with mysterious imagery. Among his numerous works, the LenJong Series and Burning Ink Series stand out as representative pieces. The Recreating Chang Yu Series 1, 2, 3, created on paper using watercolor, collage, and ink, showcases a unique artistic charm through distinctive techniques. Meanwhile, his mixed-media canvas works, such as Chaos and Afternoon, created with oil paints and ink on rice paper, present even richer layers of artistic depth.

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In the field of art education, Manling Cheung has made significant contributions. He has served as a lecturer at several prestigious higher education institutions in Hong Kong, imparting knowledge and actively promoting the understanding of art. Through his teaching, he has nurtured numerous emerging artists, contributing to the flourishing development of contemporary art and establishing a strong reputation within the industry.

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張曼靈在藝術道路上收穫諸多榮譽。美國派爾藝術學院純藝術最高成就獎、美國 N.A.P 國際藝術獎、美國海倫黑澤爾頓獎等眾多獎項,是對他藝術成就的高度認可,其作品也被美術館及私人收藏。張曼靈有著豐富的參展經歷,曾在越南國家美術館、美國康州斯萊特博物館、北京中國美術館、香港藝術館等眾多知名場館參展。

Manling Cheung has garnered numerous honors throughout his artistic journey. Among them are the Highest Achievement Award in Fine Arts from the Paier College of Art in the United States, the N.A.P. International Art Award, and the Helen Hazeltine Award, all of which serve as high recognition of his artistic accomplishments. His works have been collected by both museums and private collectors. Cheung also boasts a wealth of exhibition experience, having showcased his art at renowned venues such as the Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts, the Slater Museum in Connecticut, the National Art Museum of China in Beijing, and the Hong Kong Museum of Art, among others.

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張曼靈憑藉多元風格與深厚底蘊,在藝術領域熠熠生輝。他成長於藝術氛圍濃厚的家庭,留學深造汲取多元養分,創作風格不斷突破,從受大師影響到自成 “意識流” 一派,作品充滿神秘意象且類型豐富。他投身藝術教育,培養新秀,還屢獲大獎,作品被廣泛收藏,參展足跡遍佈知名場館。

Manling Cheung shines brightly in the art world with his diverse style and profound artistic foundation. Growing up in an art-rich family environment, he further enriched his craft through international studies, absorbing a wide range of influences. His creative style continuously evolves, from being influenced by master artists to developing his own "stream of consciousness" style, with works full of mysterious imagery and diverse themes. Cheung has devoted himself to art education, nurturing emerging talents, and has won numerous prestigious awards. His works are widely collected, and his exhibitions have been featured at renowned venues worldwide.

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今年3月5日至8日,張曼靈的作品將在香港藝穗會陳麗玲畫廊參展,展覽主題為 “逆境中的微笑”。歡迎藝術愛好者屆時前往,親身感受他作品的獨特魅力。

From March 5th to 8th 2025, Manling Cheung's works will be exhibited at the Chan Lai Ling Gallery, Hong Kong Fringe Club, under the theme "SATORI". Art enthusiasts are welcome to attend and experience the unique charm of his works in person.

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Introduction of the author


Chantelle Huang


Society President Chief Public Affairs and Operating Officer of HIYA


Graduated from a well-known art institute, she is dedicated to helping local artists with potential to explore the value of art and the community to achieve different careers.

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