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Subway expansion, residential relocation, and travel behavior: Causal evidence from China


主 讲:李 玲(北京大学城市规划与设计学院)

主 持:肖超伟(中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院)

时 间:2024年11月29日(星期五)16:00-17:00

地 点:立德教学楼11层1133会议室


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The literature regarding the outcomes of rail transit investments varies between those who praise them for improving accessibility and those who criticize them for excluding residents who would benefit more from the improvements. Through the lens of residential relocation, this study examines the impact of rail transit investments by taking both sides of the argument into account. Based on the data of new subway stations and individual residential trajectory in Shenzhen, we employ the difference-in-differences method to estimate the number of residents who moved into and out of neighborhoods served by these stations, as well as the behavioral outcomes associated with these relocations.



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Standardization vs. Exploration: How Knowledge Spillovers Shape Healthcare Practices and Innovation


主 讲:刘逸楠(中国人民大学应用经济学院)

主 持:秦 聪(中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院)

时 间:2024年12月4日(星期五)14:00-15:30

地 点:立德教学楼11层1133会议室

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This study uses a difference-in-differences (DID) approach to analyze how knowledge spillovers, facilitated by China’s Urban Medical Alliance (UMA) policy, influence clinical practices and innovation. Leveraging a novel dataset of radiology reports and prescription records from over 310,000 patients across 13 secondary hospitals, we apply machine learning algorithms to match each radiology report with its closest reference from a leading tertiary hospital, quantifying convergence in prescribing practices. Our findings reveal that the UMA policy significantly improved standardization in clinical decision-making, reducing total medical spending through more consistent care. However, this standardization came at the cost of innovation, as secondary hospital doctors’ academic output and citation impact declined following the policy’s implementation. These results highlight the trade-off between achieving uniformity in healthcare practices and fostering creative exploration, offering insights for future policy design.



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刘逸楠,中国人民大学应用经济学院助理教授,于2021年毕业于南加州大学经济学系,获得经济学博士学位。主要研究领域为健康经济学、劳动经济学和公共经济学。她最近的研究工作主要关注微观个体如何应对医疗服务供应变化,包括在线医疗服务的扩展和新医疗技术的引入。目前已有研究成果发表在Journal of International Money and Finance上。

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Product Level Emission Intensities: Measurement and Application


主 讲:赵 浩(中国人民大学生态环境学院)

主 持:秦 聪(中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院)

时 间:2024年12月4日(星期五)15:30-17:00

地 点:立德教学楼11层1133会议室

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We propose a novel method for calculating product-level emission intensities (PLEI) at highly disaggregate level (Harmonized System 6-digit) for nine emission categories. This method effectively disentangles PLEI from the firm-level efficiency factor that varies across firms and years. Utilizing firm-level emissions data from China for the period 2000–2013, our analysis shows that: (i) there is substantial heterogeneity in PLEI across different products; (ii) the 10% most emission-intensive products contribute to nearly 75% of total emissions, while comprising only 4% of total exports; (iii) a less aggregate categorization of products markedly underestimates the variation in emission intensities; and (iv) China’s export profile shows no tendency towards specialization in products with high emission intensity.



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赵浩,中国人民大学生态环境学院助理教授,研究方向包括资源与环境经济学、实验经济学、市场机制设计。学术研究发表在Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of International Money and Finance等权威期刊。

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