©Mamma Andersson
玛玛·安德森(Mamma Andersson)1962年出生于瑞典吕勒奥,1986年至1993年就读于斯德哥尔摩皇家大学美术学院。她的作品以独特的纹理笔触、松散的水洗、鲜明的图形线条和令人回味的色彩组合为特征,体现了一种新的绘画流派,让人联想起十九世纪后期的浪漫主义,同时也蕴含着当代人对层次分明的心理构图的兴趣,从广泛的素材中汲取灵感。
Spelman / Musician, 2020
Oil on canvas
57 × 47 cm
The Lost Paradise III, 2020
Oil and acrylic on canvas
41 1/2 x 31 5/8 inches
The Lost Paradise I, 2020
Oil and acrylic on linen
41 1/2 x 31 5/8 inches
The Horse, The Ghost, The Sun, 2020
Oil on canvas
95 x 145.5cm
How green was my valley, 2003
Oil on panel
122 x 152cm
Are you Here to Stay?, 2005
Acrylic and oil (in two parts)
128 x 244cm overall
61 x 244cm each panel
he Best Storyteller I, 2005
Acrylic and oil on panel,
31 1/2 x 48 inches
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