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Our history is so ancient—so ancient that we often overlook that China is a realm illuminated by transcendent wisdom across millennia, defined by lofty aspirations, expansive visions, and a singular aesthetic. In the primordial era, "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" emerged from this land, depicting splendid landscapes that today seem almost surreal, like glimpses into an alternate universe, long severed from this temporal and spatial continuum. Yet, that intrinsic radiance and ceaseless vitality resemble cosmic eyes, eternally illuminating the profound depths of eternity. This mystical domain, where humanity and nature coalesce, perpetually beckons dreamers to find their place, relentlessly pursuing their aspirations.

Perhaps it is the extraordinary confluence of a fated mission—three dreamers sharing the surname Qiu, each hailing from distinct traditions, now united in this realm of mountains and seas. They have all traversed profound journeys of the soul, understanding that one must plunge into the abyss to behold the heavens, undergoing transformative experiences through unwavering resolve. Coincidentally, they have immersed themselves in the spiritual dreamscape woven by "The Classic of Mountains and Seas."

This exhibition presents, for the first time, the collective imagination and life connections of contemporary artists Qiu Qijing, Qiu Anxiong, and Qiu Yu, as they engage with "The Classic of Mountains and Seas." Their works converge in a shared space, honoring the spirit of fellow dreamers. Through cutting-edge technologies and innovative mediums such as sculpture, ink animation, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, we reconstruct the world of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas," employing diverse artistic methodologies to collectively transcend the concept of "eternity" and liberate humanity from the labyrinthine confines of reality. This multifaceted creative endeavor embodies the finite nature of human existence and spiritual dimensions, ultimately guiding us toward pathways of transcendence and the essence of life.

The co-curator of the exhibition, Wang Boqiao, believes that the classic work of ancient China, "The Book of Mountains and Seas," combines the mystical and allegorical fantasy of myths and legends. The mysterious mountains and strange creatures recorded in the book represent the collective fantasy of humanity's geography, nature, and the world. Whether the eight-corners-of-the-world divine beasts depicted in the book are real or mythical, they all embody the original innocence and poetic romance of the ancestors' life state and the aesthetic imagination of the Chinese people. This cultural gene that is not bound by orthodox culture has formed the collective unconscious of the Chinese people and has given countless people the freedom to create in the future. It is the source of the Chinese people's imagination.

Through an array of monumental sculptures, Qiu Qijing resurrects the mythical creatures alive in our imaginations drawn from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas." With a scholarly rigor and almost divine craftsmanship, he materializes these visions, preserving the quintessence of ancient Chinese sculpture while imbuing these primordial beings with renewed vitality through innovative materials and contemporary sculptural language. Viewers can almost perceive the dynamic presence and majesty of these creatures, which symbolize not only mythical existence but also our profound reverence and respect for the natural world. These artworks serve as bridges across time, striving to awaken the latent memories of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" nestled deep within our cultural consciousness, guiding us into a realm suffused with enigmatic power. Through the lens of contemporary artists, we engage in a rich dialogue between ancient and modern cultures.

Since 2006, Qiu Anxiong has embarked on his ink animation trilogy "New Classic of Mountains and Seas," a project that spans over a decade. Employing digital artistry, he seamlessly integrates traditional ink painting with animation to explore ecological and natural themes within mythology, dynamically reinterpreting mythical creatures and legends. "New Classic of Mountains and Seas 1" and "New Classic of Mountains and Seas 2" address contemporary issues such as energy, biotechnology, and space technology, while "New Classic of Mountains and Seas 3" reflects on the encroachment of virtual technology into our lives. These works offer an ancient perspective, transforming familiar technological artifacts into something unrecognizable, as viewers unwittingly enter a distorted dimension where the boundaries between reality and the virtual realm blur.

Qiu Yu employs digital technology and artificial intelligence as mediums to create avant-garde VR installation art. By deconstructing the mythological narratives of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" through datasets and algorithmic models, he presents modern interpretations. Viewers can establish connections with these mythical beings through VR devices, experiencing the vibrant interplay that arises from the fusion of technology and art. This is not merely a contemporary retelling of mythology; it is a profound inquiry into the relationships between humanity, the world, and technology. Qiu Yu's work opens a novel perspective on collaboration with AI, intertwining the dynamics of natural language understanding and algorithmic models within an imaginative universe constructed from records, legends, and reinterpretations based on "The Classic of Mountains and Seas."

Curator Ao ZiYue and Wang BoQiao hope that audiences will explore these mythical creatures while also reflecting on our current relationship with nature and technology. These creatures from the mythical mountains and seas are not just the artist's imagination of humanity's ancient times, but also a reflection of all of us on the present and future of the world.

Welcome to the world of the Three Qiu and "The Classic of Mountains and Seas." In this era of advanced digitization, the mythic beings from the cosmos are revitalized in new and wondrous forms; they symbolize not only the artists' visions of humanity's ancient past but also our collective reflections on the present and future of our world.


Participating Artists


中国著名当代雕塑艺术家、当代玉雕革新代表人物、设计师。1979 年出生于福建福州,6 岁接触雕刻,1999 年毕业于福州市工艺美术学院,2005 年毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系。2013 年创立北京邱启敬艺术设计工作室。现工作、生活于北京。作品曾受邀在伦敦萨奇美术馆、瑞士伯尔尼美术馆、上海美术馆、白盒子艺术馆、福建省美术馆等多家中外艺术机构展出。2014 年其玉雕作品《涅槃·意空》和《极乐世界》分别于 2014 年获得保利拍卖及西泠印社拍卖等二项最高拍卖记录;2018 年,其作品登陆香港保利专场拍卖,获得佳绩。2019 年,邱启敬首家个人艺术馆和光同尘艺术馆落户江苏省无锡市。2021 年 10 月,成功于北京怀柔玊长城举办“邱启敬·山海经”大型地景装置艺术展暨主题音乐诗剧。2024 年 4 月于广西桂林市猫儿山开启“邱启敬·山海经”大型地景装置山海经神兽系列之“南山经”公共艺术作品巡展首站。


Famous Chinese contemporary artist.One of the representatives of the revolutionary contemporary Chinese jade carving. Born in Fujian, the home of hundred-years tradition Shou shan stone carving. He has been related with jade carving since he was six. 1999, Qiu was graduated from the Fuzhou Art and design college and started his creation of Shou shan stone carving works. 2005, Qiu was graduated from the sculpture department of the central academy of fine arts. In the same year he created a series of sculptures that expressed his humanistic concerns and his modernism styles. “The Nirvana series-Yikong” and “Pure lands” has broken the highest record for the auction price in both the Poly auction house and the Xilengyinshe auction house in 2014.


Exhibiting Works


The mythical creature fromthe Classic of Mountains and Seas


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梦貘 Meng Mo尺寸(长*宽*高/cm):500*300*170

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混沌 Chaos 尺寸(长*宽*高/cm):670*260*500

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吉量 Ji Liang尺寸(长*宽*高/cm):940*310*330

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白泽 Bai Ze尺寸(长*宽*高/cm):670*260*500



公共收藏:纽约大都会美术馆,纽约现代美术馆(MoMA),巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心,纽约布鲁克林美术馆,哥本哈根Aken现代美术馆,香港美术馆,堪萨斯大学Spencer Museum, 东京现代美术馆(MOT),奥斯陆 Astrup Fearnley现代美术馆,苏黎世Kunst Halle,悉尼白兔美术馆,香港M+当代美术馆,余德耀美术馆,上海当代艺术博物馆收藏。


1972 Born in Sichuan, China. graduated in Sichuan Fine Art College in 1994. Graduated in Kassel Art College Germany in 2003. Living and Working in Shanghai now.

Selected Public Collection:The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the Pompidou Center in Paris, the Brooklyn Museum of Art in New York, the Aken Museum of Modern Art in Copenhagen, the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Spencer Museum at the University of Kansas, the Museum of Modern Art (MOT) in Tokyo, the Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art in Oslo, the Kunst Halle in Zurich, the White Rabbit Art Museum in Sydney, the M+Contemporary Art Museum in Hong Kong, the Yu Deyao Art Museum, and the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art.


Exhibiting Works

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《新山海经1》 水墨数字艺术 2006

The New Book of Mountains and Seas Part 1| Ink Digital Art | 2006

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《新山海经2》水墨数字艺术 2009

The New Book of Mountains and Seas Part 2 | Ink Digital Art | 2009

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《新山海经3》水墨数字艺术 2020

The New Book of Mountains and Seas Part 3|Ink Digital Art | 2020


艺术家,中央美院设计学院艺术与科技方向博士,上海大学上海美术学院讲师。从事科技艺术的创作和研究,在创作中使用声音,影像,装置,生物等混合媒介结合科技手段探索科技媒介所蕴含的内在逻辑的语言关系和混合媒介影响下的生命感知。作品参加第十一届和十三届全国美展获奖与进京作品展、“后生命”北京媒体艺术双年展,B3双年展,金鸡湖双年展,新疆双年展、安仁双年展,亚洲数字艺术展、“动为行”中美媒体艺术35年,上海城市空间艺术季、“生⻓”国际生物艺术展,等国内外展览。作品曾荣获第十三届全国美展进京作品,2020-2021“SPA中国”艺术大奖年度新锐艺术家奖,入围第十八届拉古纳(Arte Laguna Prize)国际艺术奖。作品收藏于中央美院美术馆,北京大兴国际机场,中德⻘年文化交流基金等,合肥华侨城空港国际小镇,大理华侨城变压工厂等机构。


The artist, a Ph.D. in Art and Technology from the Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Design and a lecturer at the Shanghai University School of Fine Arts, engages in the creation and research of technology-based art. Utilizing an amalgam of media including sound, video, installations, and biological elements, he explores the intrinsic logical relationships of technology media and the perception of life under the influence of mixed media. His works have been showcased and awarded in numerous national and international exhibitions including the 11th and 13th National Art Exhibitions, "Post-Life" Beijing Media Art Biennale, B3 Biennale, Jinji Lake Biennale, Xinjiang Biennale, Anren Biennale, Asian Digital Art Exhibition, "Action as Being" 35 Years of Chinese and American Media Art, Shanghai Urban Space Art Season, and the "Growth" International Biotech Art Exhibition. His artworks have been recognized with the 13th National Art Exhibition Award for works displayed in Beijing, the 2020-2021 "SPA China" Art Award for Emerging Artist of the Year, and were finalists for the 18th Arte Laguna Prize. His works are collected by prestigious institutions including the Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Beijing Daxing International Airport, Sino-German Youth Cultural Exchange Fund, Hefei Overseas Chinese Town Airport International Town, and Dali Overseas Chinese Town Transformer Factory, among others.


Exhibiting Works

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"Shared Imaginaries"


Artificial Intelligence Generated Images




"Shared Imaginaries: Intersecting Worlds" (VR)


Virtual Reality Imaging




"Shared Imaginaries: The Flow Collection"


Cinematic Motion Imaging



In addition to the indoor exhibition, eight colossal mythical beast sculptures, standing at 6 meters tall and hailing from Qiu Qijing's studio, will be strategically placed at various landmark locations throughout the 798 Art District. These works serve as a bridge across time, attempting to awaken the memories ofthe Classic of Mountains and Seasthat lie dormant within our heritage, inviting visitors to step into a world brimming with mystical power. Through the contemporary lens of the artist, experience a dialogue between ancient and modern cultures.

During the exhibition, visitors can follow the "Mythical Beasts Map" to find and take photos withthe Classic of Mountains and Seas creatureswithin the 798 Art District. Share these moments on social media to collect likes, and then visit the BITDB Space to receive a limited edition set of eight mythical beast seals, and unlock the ultimate hidden mythical beast.

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Ancient Fantasy Realm

The Classic of Mountains and Seas:Mythical Beasts Paradise






北京市朝阳区798艺术区707街A05栋101号No. 101, Building A05, 707 Street, 798 Art District,No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing





参展艺术家|Exhibiting artist
