


D.H.Lawrence是英国20世纪著名的作家,其代表作《查泰来夫人的情人》一书,让他的名字蜚声世界。在他仅有的44年的人生中,他创作出大量脍炙人口的作品,他天才般的文字能力,细腻的刻画,敏锐的世情洞察力都让读过他作品的读者深深叹服。今天我给大家介绍一本他的散文集《意大利的暮色Twilight in Italy》,这是他27岁时的作品,那时候,他正与新婚妻子从英国到意大利、瑞士、法国旅游,这个集子就是他的游记,充满了对大自然的讴歌以及自己的人生哲思。

在英国著名文艺评论家约翰 凯里《阅读至乐:20世纪最令人快乐的书》中,(顺便一提,此书开出的文学书单,是我为数不多必须按图索骥读完的。)凯里点评到:“对于劳伦斯而言,这不仅仅是一次徒步旅行,更是一次逃遁,离开让他感到罪过和压抑的基督教盛行的北方,逃到异教南方的温暖中去……游记会使你直面他强劲的自我。你会被卷入到他的热情中去,看到一个一尘不染的世界,他如痴如醉地描写太阳和花朵,这两样是他的最爱……他的主张就是相信自己的感受和直觉,而非头脑。他的散文像催眠的咒语”。我这里节选四段,大家一起读一下,感受这“催眠的咒语”。

After the cyclamens the Christmas roses are in bud. It is at this season that the cacchi are ripe on the trees in the garden, whole naked trees full of lustrous, orange-yellow, paradisal fruit, gleaming against the wintry blue sky. The monthly roses still blossom frail and pink, there are still crimson and yellow roses. But the vines are bare and the lemon-houses shut And then, mid-winter, the lowest buds of the Christmas roses appear under the hedges and rocks and by streams. They are very lovely, these first large, cold, pure buds, like violets, like magnolias, but cold, lit up with the light from the snow.

The days go by, through the brief silence of winter, when the sunshine is so still and pure, like iced wine, and the dead leaves gleam brown, and water sounds hoarse in the ravines. It is so still and transcendent, the cypress trees poise like flames of forgotten darkness, that should have been blown out at the end of the summer. For as we have candles to light the darkness of night, so the cypresses are candles to keep the darkness aflame in the full sunshine.

这两段写了大量的花卉和树木: Christmas rose, cyclamen, violets, magnolia, cypress…注意他笔下的颜色 orange-yellow, frail and pink, still and pure 配合细腻的比喻naked tree, brief silence of winter, iced wine, water sounds hoarse in the ravine, still and transcendent, flame of forgotten darkness. 他的这些描写,让人如同观赏一幅幅印象派的风景绘画,尤其这句the cypresses are candles to keep the darkness aflame in the full sunshine,柏树如同蜡烛照亮夜晚般的,让一切呈现在阳光下,这样的比喻(metaphor)把柏树的颜色写活了。

Meanwhile, the Christmas roses become many. They rise from the budded, intact humbleness near the ground, they rise up, the throw up their crystal, they become handsome, they are heaps of confident, mysterious whiteness in the shadow of a rocky stream. It is almost uncanny to see them. They are the flowers of darkness, white and wonderful beyond belief.

Then their radiance becomes soiled and brown, they thaw, break, scatter and vanish away. Already the primroses are coming out, and the almond is in bud. The winter is passing away. On the mountains the fierce snow gleams apricot gold as evening approaches. What can be so fiercely gleaming when all is shadowy? It is something inhuman and unmitigated between heaven and earth.

这两段对准Christmas rose这冬日的玫瑰,一系列比喻如intact humbleness, heaps of confident, mysterious whiteness, flowers of darkness, white and wonderful beyond belief将其姿态万千细腻地刻画出来,在写玫瑰开始由盛放到渐渐萎顿的过程中,他用一系列动词有节奏地快速铺陈,thaw, break, scatter and vanish away。其中thaw本是指雪融化,劳伦斯信手拈来用在玫瑰的收摄的光辉上,简直是神来之笔,而对于那种光辉,他赋予的形容词居然是soiled and brown!

