意大利服装品牌Ermanno Scervino(艾尔玛诺·谢尔维诺)2024年假日系列 高清图片画廊

“Travel is a door that opens from the real world into a world that is yet to be discovered and seems like a dream”. These words by Guy de Maupassant fit well with the Ermanno Scervino vision of his woman for this Resort 2024. A curious creature embracing different cultures, crossing multiform and fantastic landscapes, experimenting with contrasting styles, in an urban and cosmopolitan spirit. Tailored outerwear, such as waisted blazers or boxy jackets, are worn over wide Bermuda shorts featuring oversized pockets and puffy cargo trousers tucked above the ankles. Floppy cowboy boots in embroidered suede peek out under coats, miniskirts, and shorts. The python print is in the colonial variant, but also green like the anaconda and, the blue version has the reflections of water. Lace, knitwear and hand-embroidered nappa leather are also in the colour mango. The glove-effect nappa leather, with a round, soft touch, and the sculptured knitwear are ivory white, while black enhances the ever-present transparencies.

“旅行是一扇门,从现实世界打开,进入一个尚未发现的世界,仿佛一场梦境”。莫泊桑的这句话与埃尔曼诺·谢尔维诺对 2024 度假系列女性的设想非常吻合。一个好奇的生物,拥抱不同的文化,穿越多样而梦幻的风景,尝试对比鲜明的风格,具有都市和国际化的精神。修身的外套,如收腰西装外套或宽松夹克,搭配宽大的百慕大短裤,配有超大口袋和塞在脚踝上方的蓬松工装裤。刺绣绒面革的松软牛仔靴在外套、迷你裙和短裤下露出来。蟒蛇印花是殖民地风格的,但也像蟒蛇一样呈绿色,蓝色版本有水的倒影。蕾丝、针织品和手工刺绣纳帕皮革也采用芒果色。手套效果的纳帕皮革,触感圆润柔软,雕刻的针织品呈象牙白色,而黑色则增强了无处不在的透明度。

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