8月28日,国际篮联正式宣布与英利奥续签多年合作协议,英利奥将继续为国际篮联 3x3 世界巡回赛与国际篮联 3x3 世界杯提供球场地板供应服务至 2034 年。

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MIES (Switzerland) - FIBA has today announced a multi-year extension with Enlio, a leading Chinese sports flooring supplier, who will continue to provide world-class court surfaces for the FIBA 3x3 World Tour and the FIBA 3x3 World Cup until 2034.

米村(瑞士)——国际篮联今日宣布与中国行业领先的运动地板供应商英利奥续签多年合作协议,英利奥将继续为国际篮联 3x3 世界巡回赛与国际篮联 3x3 世界杯提供世界一流的球场至 2034 年。

The announcement follows an unprecedented turnout for 3x3 basketball at Paris 2024, where Enlio supplied the court for the sold-out venue in Place de la Concorde.

此前,2024 年巴黎奥运会 3x3 篮球比赛取得了史无前例的效果,英利奥为位于协和广场最火爆的比赛提供了三人篮球场地。

The ten-year partnership extension underlines the successful collaboration between FIBA and Enlio. Enlio will continue to deliver state-of-the-art flooring that helps players deliver gold medal performances while providing excellent support and protection for their bodies.


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“Extending our partnership with Enlio for a further ten years is a sign of the strength of our successful relationship,” said FIBA Secretary General Andreas Zagklis. “FIBA and Enlio share many values, but most importantly, we share an player-first approach. We are therefore excited to continue working with Enlio to create an optimal competition environment as we strive to take our sport to even greater heights.”

“国际篮联与英利奥的合作再延长十年,是我们成功合作关系的坚实标志”国际篮联秘书长 Andreas Zagklis 表示。“国际篮联与英利奥共享理念,但最重要的是,我们都秉持以球员为先。因此,我们很高兴能与英利奥继续合作,创造绝佳的比赛环境,努力将我们的运动推向更高的高度。”

"We are very excited to extend our partnership with FIBA until 2034," said CEO Enlio Sports Li Yu. "We are proud that our surface was chosen for 3x3 basketball at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, supporting FIBA in setting new standards for the most thrilling urban sport. We look forward to introducing innovations and providing players with the ultimate experience as they begin their journey with the 3x3 World Cup in 2025."

“很高兴能将与国际篮联的合作延长至 2034 年,”英利奥董事长李郁表示。“英利奥地板能入选2024 年巴黎奥运会 3x3 篮球比赛感到自豪,支持国际篮联为这项最具活力的城市运动制定新标准。期待在 25 年 3x3 世界杯能够引入我们更具创新型地板为球员提供终极运动体验。”

Enlio debuted its innovative, eco-friendly flooring at the FIBA 3x3 Asia Cup in Singapore this March. Crafted from recycled thermoplastic elastomer tiles, this sustainable court replaced the traditional synthetic rubber surface, in line with FIBA's commitment to environmental responsibility and minimizing its ecological footprint.

今年 3 月,英利奥在新加坡举办的国际篮联 3x3 亚洲杯上首次展示了其创新环保型地板。这款符合可持续发展理念的球场采用再生热塑性弹性体,取代传统合成橡胶材料,这也符合国际篮联践行对于环境负责,最大限度减少环境污染的承诺。

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