


库尔特•冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut 1922-2007)是当代美国著名作家,以其黑色幽默的写作风格闻名。他的代表作《五号屠宰场 Slaughterhouse Five》以一个半玄幻半写实的手法,讲述了一个二战末期德国德莱斯顿大轰炸幸存者的故事,由于此前他就被囚禁在那里,所以这本书也被认为是他的半个自传体小说。

这里,我们选读书中的一段,来品味一下他的黑暗料理。这一段写了一个半吊子作家Trout和一个叫Maggie的bimbo (an attractive but stupid young woman)之间的一段对话,话题是从Trout 写过的最有名的作品说起。

The adulation that Trout was receiving, mindless and illiterate as it was, affected Trout like marijuana. He was happy and loud and impudent.

“I’m afraid I don’t read as much as I ought to,” said Maggie.

“We’re all afraid of something,” Trout replied. “I’m afraid of cancer and rats and Doberman pinschers.”

“I should know, but I don’t, so I have to ask,” said Maggie, “what’s most famous thing you ever wrote?”

“It was about a funeral for a great French chef.”

“That sounds interesting.”

“All the great chefs in the world are there. It’s a beautiful ceremony.” Trout was making this up as he went along. “Just before the casket is closed, the mourners sprinkle parsley and paprika on the deceased.” So it goes.

“Did that really happen?” said Maggie White. She was a dull person, but a sensational invitation to make babies. Men looked at her and wanted to fill her up with babies right away. She hadn’t had even one baby yet. She used birth control.

“Of course it happened,” Trout told her. “If I wrote something that hadn’t really happened, and I tried to sell it, I could go to jail. That’s fraud.”

Maggie believed him. “I’d never thought about that before.”

“Think about it now.”

“It’s like advertising. You have to tell the truth in advertising, or you get in trouble.”

“Exactly. The same body of law applies.”

“Do you think you might put us in a book sometime?”

“I put everything that happens to me in books.”

“I guess I better be careful what I say.”

“That’s right. And I’m not the only one who’s listening. God is listening, too. And on Judgement Day he’s going to tell you all the things you said and did. If it turns out they’re bad things instead of good things, that’s too bad for you, because you’ll burn forever and ever. The burning never stops hurting.”

Poor Maggie turned gray. She believed that, too, and was petrified.

Kilgore Trout laughed uproariously. A salmon egg flew out of his mouth and landed in Maggie’s cleavage.


顺带的,冯内古特把无脑美女描述了一番:She was a dull person, but a sensational invitation to make babies. Men looked at her and wanted to fill her up with babies right away. She hadn’t had even one baby yet. She used birth control.就这短短的几句让人忍俊不禁,一个bimbo跃然纸上。厉害的家伙就是这样,他们不动声色地、不带脏字地就把人给糟践了。



