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Loneliness is a person's carnival, carnival is a group of people alone. Anaya, from loneliness to carnival, and then to the social circle of lonely people, in fact, he has not changed, is to do the business of rich people; From the beginning of the retired cadres, to the later urban elite, stars, artists (show Pu Shu, Xu Wei). This typical cultural tourism real estate begins with a health vacation and ends with a private community. From the initial locking of the 50-60 elderly health care market, to the positioning of the urban elite customer group after 80, and then reverse the wind; They are taking the two major commercial symbols of "loneliness and carnival" and using art and service as blessings to achieve the ultimate.

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"Lonely" is the original IP slogan of Anaya: lonely library, lonely seaside wedding auditorium, lonely after 80, which all point to Anaya's brand concept of "human silence, find our own place". "Carnival" is Anaya's second activity IP marketing word, with the top flow of stars in various circles, and the continuous pull of artistic activities. Such as music carnival, cultural arts festival, food festival. You see, once people carnival, then the final direction is still lonely, then how to do, they use year-round activities, maintain their own lasting heat, non-stop carnival. The third "social circle of lonely people" : he is to use the consumer psychology and life pain points of the lonely elite in the international city to create villas, apartments, homestays, entertainment and social forms, from sales of real estate to service real estate, from the public domain to precise private domain conversion.

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The 2024 Anaya Theatre Festival has officially opened. On the basis of 2023, MAD Ma Yansong once again designed the "2024 Migratory Bird Sand City" for the public art project "Migratory Bird 300", which will only exist for 300 hours, creating a dynamic and creative limitedtime experience.

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In 2023, the migratory Sandtown mainly appeared as a Totem-like enclosed tribe, while in 2024, the Sandtown began to evolve from a single tribal form into roads, and many independent settlements were established along these roads. This distributed layout seems to reproduce the development process of the city-state, but also provides artists and viewers with more freedom of space and clearer routes.

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In the city of Migratory birds in 2024, the traditional spatial structure is no longer emphasized. Here, people can freely travel through the various settlements in the sand city and experience the scenes of life at different times of the day, which are both derived from the daily and free from the shackles of the daily. The low walls cleverly divide the space and guide people to find their way and exit. In these overlapping Spaces, eyes meet, inspiring inspiration and creativity. In the process of watching and being watched, people continue to create, grow in sync with the city, and jointly shape this dynamic and creative sand city.

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Undulating sand piles are given natural shapes by human activity, rough linen flutters in the wind, and the countdown clock on the city wall flashes. Nature, space, art and human behavior are fused together, and each picture is a frozen frame of the present that cannot be replicated. Artists and audiences are free to explore and create in the here and now, building this seaside utopia together in a pan-artistic collaboration.

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From June 18 to June 30, an artistic feast will be held in the "Sand City of Migratory Birds". There will be 300 artists presenting more than 135 works and more than 240 performances. These performances will cover installation, sculpture, body, performance, painting, video and other art forms, presenting a visual and spiritual feast for the audience. In this creative and passionate sand city, artists will use their works and performances to interpret the love and pursuit of life.

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合作方:阿那亚戏剧节、候鸟 300

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