
US President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump shared the stage on Thursday night in the first debate of the 2024 election season.

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It was a rematch for Biden and Trump, who faced each other twice in 2020. The presumptive Democratic and Republican party nominees debated for slightly more than 90 minutes in a studio at CNN's headquarters in Atlanta for the first of their two debates.


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The candidates didn't shake hands when they were introduced. Throughout their answers to moderators and responses to each other's comments, they attacked one another, with each repeatedly calling the other a "liar'' and Trump at one point calling Biden a "bad Palestinian" when the Israel-Hamas war came up. While Biden spoke, his voice was clearly hoarse. Biden mostly just stared ahead and listened as Trump spoke and at times had trouble delivering complete thoughts. He had some stumbles early, misstating how many jobs were created on his watch and saying, incongruously, that he "finally beat Medicare''.


At one point after a question on immigration, Trump said about Biden's answers, "I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don't think he knows what he said either."




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To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race 为了服务国家,总统拜登应该退出竞选

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Biden stumbles in early US presidential debate exchanges as Trump pounces 在特朗普猛烈攻势下,拜登在美国总统辩论表现不佳

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Biden's debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump 拜登的辩论表现引发民主党人担忧,怀疑他能否领导民主党打败特朗普



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President Biden delivered an impassioned campaign speech on Friday after his widely criticized debate performance, acknowledging his debate skills have waned and he's "not a young man."


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