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The rerun of the 2020 US presidential election campaign is set for its first high-stakes clash on Thursday, when Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the president and defeated president, go head to head in a 90-minute debate in Atlanta, Georgia.


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当地时间27日,拜登抵达亚特兰大 图源:CNBC视频截图

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当地时间27日,特朗普抵达亚特兰大 图源:美媒


This year, the campaigns have agreed to go about things a little differently. The recommendations of the Commission on Presidential Debates have been jettisoned, and Trump has agreed to sign up to two debates and a tough series of rules which appear to benefit Biden, on by far the earliest date any such debate has ever been staged – and before either man has been officially nominated by their parties. Thursday’s debate, organized by CNN and moderated by the network’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, will begin at 9 pm EST. There will be no studio audience, two commercial breaks, each candidate’s microphone will be muted while the other is speaking, and no props will be permitted. Each man will be armed with a pen, a notepad and a bottle of water.



来源:环球网 CGTN