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Fate is only responsible for dealing cards, and it is always you who plays cards.

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It is not easy to meet in life; If our hearts know each other, we should cherish them even more.

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Life is like a game, with countless choices but often no choice.

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The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to awaken and think, not just in survival.

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Some good habits, such as exercising or learning a new skill, may not have immediate effects in the short term, but long-term persistence will definitely bring benefits.

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The better a person is, the more they know how to choose suitable partners to grow together, learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and continuously improve.

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If love is an art, then appropriate self love is a quality.

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Instead of looking for a job that you enjoy, it's better to start by liking an existing job. Stay grounded and start from the front.

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Follow your own pace, continue to act, persist, and one day you will also become the envy of others.