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The organizer of Malaysian singer Fish Leong's Shanghai concert has been ordered to refund some ticket fees in tiers, with the maximum refund reaching 70 percent of the original price, after nine fans sued, claiming their views at the concert were blocked by pillars and demanding refunds, the Minhang District People's Court in Shanghai said in a ruling issued on June 20th.

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The nine plaintiffs, who purchased tickets ranging from 999 yuan (US$137.60) to 1,299 yuan to attend the concert on May 20 and 21, 2023, claimed that their views were obstructed by pillars surrounding the stage during the concert without being informed in advance, and they had failed to reach an agreement with the organizer on compensation.

Each filed a lawsuit against the concert's organizer, the Shanghai Morefun entertainment company, and the court decided to consolidate the nine lawsuits for joint proceedings.

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The nine plaintiffs demanded a refund of the original ticket price, along with punitive compensation amounting to three times the ticket cost. They contended that the organizer had failed to inform them beforehand of significant visual obstructions, accusing the defendant of fraudulent behavior and infringement of consumer rights.

The court confirmed the plaintiffs' claim that their view was obstructed. However, the existing evidence was insufficient to exclude all reasonable doubts and was not enough to determine that the defendant committed fraud.

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The court believed that the defendant provided service that did not meet the agreement between the two parties, and there were obvious defects, constituting a breach of contract. Therefore, the defendant should bear the liability for breach of contract.

Since the plaintiffs did not leave the venue immediately and thus rejected the defendant's defective performance, the court expressed difficulty in supporting the plaintiff's request for a full refund and believed that a partial refund could be requested instead.

In summary, the court's first instance judgment ruled that the defendant should refund the ticket prices to the nine plaintiffs according to a tiered refund ratio, based on the individual ticket prices of 420 yuan, 650 yuan, and 910 yuan.






1.被告售卖“柱子票”的行为尚未构成欺诈。欺诈是指故意告知虚假情况或者负有告知义务的一方故意隐瞒真实情况,致使当事人基于错误认识作出错误意思表示。本案 中,从客观情况看,被告并未在任何宣传资料中作出观看无遮挡的承诺,没有故意告知虚假情况;原告购票时,座位尚未排定,现场舞台也未搭建完成,被告无法在当时就知晓原告的座位被遮挡,原告也不可能因受被告误导而购票。舞台搭建完成后,被告确实已经可以预见到有部分观众会受到承重柱的遮挡,但上海站为巡演的第一站,被告显然对受遮挡的程度以及观众可能的反应严重估计不足,现场虽有调换座位的预案,但安排的工作人员严重不足,无法满足实际需求,被告存在疏忽大意的过失更符合客观实际。因此,现有证据不足以达到排除合理怀疑的证明标准,难以认定被告构成欺诈。





Source: Shanghai Daily SHINE、 Minhang District People's Court

Edited by Wang Chenyi

Reviewed by Xu Leibing,Lin Xinyi,Chen Yiting

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