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Beneath the radiant Oriental Pearl Tower lies a city as vibrant as a motion picture - Shanghai, a captivating place where every corner holds infinite stories and surprises.

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Strolling on the Lujiazui Ring Road Overpass feels like being in a futuristic sci-fi movie like Her (2013) with skyscrapers and neon lights showcasing the modern vibrancy of the urban landscape.

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Entering Jing'an Villa is like stepping back in time and experiencing the old Shanghai that is shown in Lust, Caution (2007). Its red brick walls and European-style windows and doors are not only great backdrops for pictures, but they are also a great showcase of Shanghai's rich history.

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In the fashionable block of Xintiandi, fashion blends with art, with every store exuding a strong artistic vibe. Its cool chic ambiance is sure to make you feel like the main character in a movie.


It is in this "City of Movies" that the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival is being held, offering people the chance to see 450 extraordinary films until June 23.


Movie goers are also encouraged to explore every corner of this metropolis to find secret spots that seem like they are straight out of a cinematic masterpiece.


Want to explore the city, but don't know where to start? The "Travel in Shanghai" section of the International Services Shanghai Portal will guide you through your journey.

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Places to Go


Shanghai's abundant tourism resources will exceed your imagination! Explore the "Places to Go" section to find scenic spots, historical zones, museums, galleries, theaters, and parks that you'd love to visit.

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Food & Beverage


The most authentic food is often the most understated. Click on the "Food & Beverage" section to discover various restaurants, cafes, and bars in the city that are sure to make your Shanghai dining experience memorable.

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Things to Do


The "Things to Do" section provides visitors with a litany of fun things to try. This includes city walk routes, local specialties, bookstores and libraries, nightlife, duty-free stores, and souvenir shopping recommendations.

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Events & Activities


The "Events & Activities" section gathers information on international and traditional festivals, art exhibitions, cultural performances, and sports events, keeping you updated on what's going on in the city.

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图片来源:VCG, "jaxwzx" WeChat account