

要不是从严肃媒体看到的数字,我还真不相信美国政府一年可以乱花这么多钱。据《国家评论》National Review 报道,美国政府去年乱支付了2360亿美金!

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Cutting waste, fraud, and abuse has long been a promise of politicians. Oftentimes nowadays, it’s a diversion from the true drivers of the debts: entitlements and interest. 减少浪费、欺诈和滥用一直是政客们承诺要做的事情,而如今,这些却成了政府津贴和利息这些债务推动因素之外的分支(换句话说,政府津贴和利息本应该是政府支付的大头,而如今,浪费、欺诈和滥用导致的不当支付成了另一个花钱的敞口)。But waste, fraud, and abuse are nonetheless real, and damaging. The Government Accountability Office estimated that federal agencies made $236 billion in improper payment last year, and that’s an underestimated because not every federal agency provided information to the GAO.浪费、欺诈和滥用都是真实的存在,美国“政府责任办公室”估计,去年美国联邦各机构不当支付了2360亿美金。这个数字还是被低估了的,因为不是每个联邦机构都向该办公室提供了信息。If errors were random, we would expect to see roughly the same amount of overpayments as underpayments. 如果说这些错误是随机的,那么多付了的钱和少付了的钱也应该差不多。(换句话说,有不当支付的,那就有不当少付的。)But 74% of improper payments last year were overpayments. Only 5% were underpayment. The rest were other kinds of error.(事实上,多付的占74%,只有5%是少付的。剩下的是其他类型的错误)。It’s a pretty good sign that the federal government is too big when it can make mistakes worth six time more than the Department of Justice’s annual budget and most people don’t bat an eye. 联邦政府大到这样一个程度,它犯的错误比司法部一年的预算要高六倍而美国人居然眼睛都不眨一下,这可真是个好现象。
