
The Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival

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A long, long time ago, in ancient China, there was a great poet named Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a loyal minister of the state of Chu. He loved his country very much and cared deeply about the lives of the people.

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One day, the state of Chu was defeated by its enemies. Qu Yuan felt extremely sad and disappointed. Seeing his country in crisis made him very distressed. Despite his best efforts to help, he ultimately could not save the state. Feeling helpless and unable to change the situation, Qu Yuan went to a river called the Miluo River and, in his sorrow, jumped into the water.

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The local people greatly admired Qu Yuan. They did not want his body to be eaten by fish and shrimp, so they rowed their boats to the river and threw rice wrapped in bamboo leaves into the water. They hoped these rice dumplings would attract the fish and shrimp, preventing them from harming Qu Yuan's body.

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Over time, the activity of rowing boats evolved into dragon boat racing, and the rice wrapped in bamboo leaves became the Zongzi people enjoy today. The day Qu Yuan jumped into the river, the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, became known as the Dragon Boat Festival.