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大意是一个小男孩被周围的人所鼓励,先接触一个马拉松冠军,受到激励,但中途想要放弃。他去跑步,遇到了很多人,而后放弃跑步,选择骑自行车, 后来一路上看见太多人骑车,小男孩领悟到不盲从,不跟风的重要性。难易难说,看大家理解。




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heatherwick studio's kinetic glasshouse unfolds like a flower

architecture366 sharesconnections: +620


Heatherwick Studio and the National Trust have unveiled a kinetic Glasshouse at the Woolbeding Gardens. Set on the edge of the historic estate in West Sussex, the unfolding structure acts as the focal point of a new garden, highlighting how much the ancient Silk Route has influenced English gardens of today.

Heatherwick’s kinetic Glasshouse features ten steel ‘sepals’ with glass and aluminum façade which take four minutes to open, creating an immense crown-shaped 141m2 space hosting subtropical plants — the only ones in the garden that need protection.


The latest contemporary addition to the Woolbeding Gardens is a Silk Route Garden thatinvites visitors on a 12-step journey学生说这里有一个填walk提示词的,不是invite,猜一下应该是填walks不确定through a landscape influenced by the ancient trading route between Asia and Europe.This route provided exchanged commodities such as silk, as well as plant species new to Britain like rosemary, lavender and fennel. (这一句话有题但是这段都放在第四段有三个空,不知道是命题老师找的别的文章还是重新打乱顺序改写了,这里有一个for the first time的填空)The path allows visitors to move through over 300 species and concludes in the Glasshouse.



Heatherwick’s Glasshouse references the movement of a flower opening its petals with its 10-sided pyramidal shape unfolding to create an immense space in the shape of a crown. By deploying cutting-edge engineering(题目据说是______(engineer) techniques,那么应该是填engineering,熟词生义“设计”), it provides a functional and protective structure for the subtropical trees and shrubs housed inside. On warm days, the Glasshouse opens its ‘sepals’using a hydraulic mechanism to allow(题目提示词是give,填to give没跑了,但题目中没有use,估计会有难度判断起来)the plants access to sunshine and ventilation while in colder weather,the structure remains closed (题目好像是stay closed,其实保留remain会不会降低难度哈哈哈,不过网上也有一个版本的原文是close抄原空了)providing shelter to the species.

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‘This is a place and a project that literally unfolds,’ said Thomas Heatherwick. ‘You step through this bewitchingly beautiful garden and discover an object that starts like a jewel and ends like a crown, as the Glasshouse slowly unfurls. I think it also speaks of our need to keep creating amazing pasts. Weaving contemporary inventions into the fabric of historic settings and having the confidence to let each one speak to the other.’

The Glasshouse itself shelters an impressive, rare specimen of an Aralia Vietnamensis which provides shade for a collection of tender ferns growing alongside umbrella trees, magnolias and bananas.

‘This Heatherwick Glasshouse represents the cutting edge of technical design and engineering but it’s also a restoration of something that is part of Woolbeding’s history,’ concluded Mark Woodruff of The Woolbeding Charity.‘Itstands asa crowning achievement in contemporary design, to house the flora of subtropical south-west China at the end of a path retracing the steps along the Silk Route,from temperate Europe and across mountains, arid lands and high pastures that(which也可)brought the plants from their native habitat in Asia to come to define much ofthe richness and glory ofgardening in England.’

project info:

name: Glasshouse

architect: Heatherwick Studio

location: Wooldbeding Gardens, West Sussex, UK

in collaboration with: The Woolbeding Charity, The National Trust

cost consultant and contract administrator: Core Five

landscape architects: MRG Studio

environmental engineer: Atelier Ten Ltd

structural and façade engineer: Eckersley O’Callaghan Ltd

project management: Stuart A Johnson Consulting Ltd

CDM: Goddard Consulting

glasshouse detailed engineering design and construction: Bellapart

habitat and garden design consultant: great dixter charitable trust

main contractor: RW Armstrong

contractor’s design architect: Kirkwood Mclean Architects

moving structure specialist: Eadon Consulting Ltd

juliana neira I designboom

jun 27, 2022


第一节 (满分15分)


1. 你的作品内容;

2. 你的感想。


1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear Chris,

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Dear Chris,

Hey! I had art class in the park last Friday, and I wanted to share my artwork with you! I painted a serene landscape with lush trees, a flowing river, and a bright sun overhead. The colors were so vibrant, and I felt so peaceful as I painted. I can't wait for you to see it! Let's meet up soon so I can show you in person.

Take care,

Li Hua


Dear Chris,

Last Friday marked a special art class held in the park. I chose to paint a landscape featuring a serene lake surrounded by vibrant flowers and solemn trees. The sunlight reflecting off the water and the gentle breeze made the whole scene come to life.

It was incredibly inspiring to be surrounded by nature. I felt a sense of serenity and relaxation while painting, which was a whole different experience from our conventional classroom setting.

I think outdoor art lessons help us connect more deeply with nature and enhance our creativity and ignite our originality. I really enjoyed it and hope we can have more classes like this in the future.

Best regards,

Li Hua


Dear Chris,

I hope you're doing well. Last Friday, we had a fantastic art class in the park. I painted a serene landscape of the park, capturing the vibrant colors of the flowers and the tranquil atmosphere. It was a refreshing experience to create art surrounded by nature's beauty. The rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds added to the peaceful ambiance, inspiring my creativity. Overall, it was a memorable and enjoyable art session that allowed me to connect with both my surroundings and my artistic expression.


Li Hua


1. an exciting experience 一个令人兴奋的经历
2. serene beauty 宁静的美
3. lush trees 茂密的树木
4. shimmering lake 波光粼粼的湖
5. vibrant flowers 生机勃勃的花朵
6. outdoor setting 户外环境
7. new perspective 新的视角
8. a sense of tranquility” 宁静感
9. connection with the surroundings 与周围环境的联系
10. ignited my passion 点燃了我的热情

1. During the class in nature, I created... 在课堂上,我创作了...
2. I captured..., trying to convey... 我捕捉了...,试图传达...
3. The experience was truly enlightening. 这次经历真的很令人启发。
4. “Being immersed in... 沉浸在……

5. I felt... 我感到...

Dear Chris,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to share with you an exciting experience I had last Friday, when we had an art class in the park.

During the class, I created a painting depicting the serene beauty of the park. I captured the lush trees, the shimmering lake, and the vibrant flowers in my work, trying to convey the harmony of nature. The outdoor setting inspired me to experiment with different techniques and styles, which made the whole process even more enjoyable.

The experience was truly enlightening. When I was immersed in nature,creating art gave me a new perspective on art and life. I felt a sense of tranquility and connection with the surroundings, which further ignited my passion for art.

Highly anticipate more such classes in the future and look forward to your similar experience share.

Best regards,

Li Hua


大意是 一个人赶着去坐大巴参加一个会议,找打车司机困难,耽误了很久,然后作者找到了大巴,很激动,但没钱付出租车司机钱,出租车司机找了一个柜员机,但是作者发现自己卡里没钱,仍旧无法付钱。







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That’s a picture of me and Gunter at Vienna airport.

Who is Gunter?

I don’t know his surname or what his favourite colour is but I can tell you this much: he is the nicest, the best taxi driver you will find in Vienna and maybe Austria.

I met Gunter on a cold, wet and unforgettable evening in September.

I had been flying to Vienna from Malta enroute to Prague.

The flight had been delayed thanks to a hurricane in Malta.

It never rains in Gozo or Malta. It is always sunny and bright!’

I was reliably informed by my anon Gozitan taxi driver as we left the apartment for Malta Luqa airport. I was sad to leave. We spoke all things Gozitan till boarding the cruise ferry to Malta. We marvelled about everything: from their delicious soft goats cheese to the dreamy beauty of their idyllic mediterranean coastine.

30 minutes later, as the car rolled out of the belly of the ferry he retracted his earlier statement and released a modified version.

‘We have one big storm every year in Malta. Otherwise, it is always sunny and bright’ he tried to reassure me, as our cab ventured forth, into a gaping hole of infinite darkness.

Just minutes before, the sun was blazing. Piercing, blue skies with not a speck of a cloud in sight.

In a matter of minutes, the sky turned from cobalt blue to slate grey to charcoal black.The storm picked up quickly. Spinning long yarns of dust and rusty autumn leaves, a lusty wind snarled, swirled ominously around our car. Then came a few rip-roaring bursts of lightening followed by a deluge of water. Rain, rain like I have never seen rain before. We slipped , slided through vertical columns of water for a few nervous minutes. Almost zero visibility. Then like a saintly apparition, Malta Luqa airport came into view. I wished my anonymous taxi driver the best of luck and gave him a generous tip. I silently muttered a prayer in his anonymous name as his neon cab sign faded into the misty distance.

I consent to receiving emails and personalized ads.

The Air Malta ladies at the check-in desk were smiling happily as I arrived bedraggled, water dripping from my forehead. If memory serves me right, on miserable dreich days like this in Scotland, grown women weep and rage.

‘It makes us so happy when the rains come. We never get rain you see!’my happy, smiley check-in girl explained to me, as I asked her what was the secret behind her smile.

Then she hastily added,‘ Oh. Btw. Your flight has been delayed by an hour.’ and then handed over my boarding pass which I nervously accepted.

I had left a 2 hour buffer between my flight landing in Vienna and my Student Agency Bus departure to Prague.

I waited at the announced gate of departure. Raised my head every 2 minutes for the next hour looking at the monitor. In between, I pushed my face against the perspiring windows, peering through the incessant bands of rain, wondering when my Air Malta flight to arrive.

Eventually my flight did arrive. Hour and 45 minutes late, Air Malta flight 514 left for Vienna.

Flight was not too bumpy. I touched down in Vienna just 15 minutes before my bus departure. I nervously waited at the luggage carousel, hoping my luggage would arrive on time. For once, I pray to thee Lord of luggage and conveyor belts, please deliver my rucksack before everyone’s luggage. But hell no. It arrived promptly at 7pm in the oversized luggage carousel. It’s time to start using a suitcase like normal people.

It was the last bus to Prague.

The sensible thing to do at this point would have been to take it easy. Find a cheap bed for the night and take the first bus tomorrow to Vienna.

But guess what. This Kash, BudgetTraveller dude is an obstinate, stubborn mule. He has missed two flights this year and is in no mood to miss another connection. Moment he got the backpack, he ran like nuts to the bus terminal.

Picture this. An Asian (almost skinhead) guy with beard and a black backpack running through a crowded air terminal. You can imagine how many people were staring at me with a very concerned look.

The bus had left a matter of 8 minutes ago but there was mass of taxis swelling the rank.

Suddenly I had this madcap idea of hopping on a cab and catching the Student Agency Bus at the bus station in Prague where in roughly 25 minutes it would be picking up a few more passengers.

I hopped in with no second thought into the first cab on the rank. That’s when, I met Gunter.

After exchanging brief pleasantries I tried to explain to him where I was going.

‘City Centre. Schon cool. That will be €30’he grunted to him in the strongest Austrian accent you can imagine.

Yikes. My bus ticket to Prague costed me €25.

He hadn’t heard of the bus station ( Florenc) from where the Student Agency Bus left from. I mentioned it to him a few times. Maybe it was my pronunciation? He kept on shaking his head.

I tried my best Austrian accent. Which is probably a German accent. Which is probably not a German accent. You know Herr Flick from Allo Allo? Something like his accent. Which confused him further.

Looking at his perplexed look, a nauseating feeling sweeps over me.

That feeling in life when circumstance smacks you in the face. Yet still, you feel numb, that slightly surreal out of body sensation that you can’t believe thatTHIS SOMETIMES AMAZING, SOMETIMES CRAZY THING CALLED LIFE参数图片is happening to you.

Again. Misadventure was my best friend.

Phone a friend?

Gunter puts on his reading glasses and manages to fish out his dinky little phone.

After an animated discussion that lasted 5 minutes but feels like an eternity, Gunter puts his phone down and nods his head reassuringly.

‘I know where zee bass station iz now.’

As one wave of panic subsided, another nagging issue reared its head.

I had zero cash in my wallet.

I was doubtful that his card machine would accept my Portuguese bankcard.

The tension levels rising, we rolled into the dark wet empty streets of the city. Vienna was like this abandoned ghost town from a zombie movie. All lit up and pretty, but not a soul in sight. Gunter was prodding away at his GPS, uttering numerous profanities at it , trying to figure out the best route to the bus station.

The traffic lights were conspiring against me, turning red at every street we turned into.

Finally, with just 2 minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station to see the familiar bright yellow outer shell of the Student Agency Bus.

Thankfully, there was a huge queue still waiting to board the bus.

Gunter parks the car behind the coach and then looks at me with a big smile on his face.

‘We made it.’

I have a crocodile smile as I fish out my bankcard.

Suddenly, Gunter’s smile creases into a grimace.

‘I zoo not think my machine will accept zees card.’

He tries it thrice but somehow the machine will just not play along.

I feel a few more knots in my chest now, my breath heavy as I see in front of me the bus queue thinning out.

Gunter then waves his hand at some of the people waiting in the crowd and hollers to them, asking them if they knew where the nearest cash machine was.

One of them yanks their head towards the waiting hall of the bus station which is about 500 yards away.

Then without much explaining, both me and Gunter leap out of the car and make a mad dash to find this cash machine.

After a few wrong turns we finally find the machine and I gleefully pop my card in, only to read the message at the ATM

‘Out of order. Sorry.’

Blood drains from my face. Gunter, panting for breath, shakes his head.

Game over. Fate seemed to be conspiring against me today.

In the distance, I can the luggage door of the bus closing. The last remaining passengers are about to board the bus. I look towards Gunter.


I can’t remember the exact words of what I said to him then. It’s a bit of a blur.

It goes something like this

‘I know Gunter we’ve just met. But I really need to get on this bus. Otherwise I have to spend the night here which will be bloody expensive. I have to buy a new bus ticket tomorrow morning. I know we’ve just met but I am going to be back in Vienna in 4 days time. If it’s ok with you I can pay you the money then. I’ll add an extra 10 euros for your hassle.’

Then an uncomfortable pause as I analyse Gunter’s face for his reaction.

Then the impossible happened. He nodded his head simply.

‘It’s cool. I accept this solution and trust you. Give me zee name of your hotel and we can meet there.’

I look at him. Biggest smile you can imagine. I give him the name of my hotel and we exchange phone numbers. I board the bus and give him a big huge wave to my newest friend on planet earth.


4 days later….

I am back in Vienna to attend the Wiener Wiesn Festival.

As promised, I call Gunter. He’s happy to hear from me.

We meet at the airport where he works from. We embrace like long lost friends.

Gunter tells me that he wasn’t sure if I was going to show up but was happy to hear my voice when I called him.

I gave Gunter the extra €10 tip I had promised which he would not accept. He told me to call him , the next time I was in Vienna and buy him a beer.

Which I happily agreed to.

If my faith in humanity was wavering, Gunter restored it.

Things have changed since we were kids.

They tell me that fairytales exist no more.

Well. They are wrong. Fairytales DO exist. Thanks to the invisible knights in shining armour. Call them angels or kindred spirits. They exist in this world. We just don’t see them.

Like the anonymous taxi driver who you meet at the airports of this world. Like my anon Gozitan taxi driver or indeed Gunter.

Definitely, the nicest, the best taxi driver you will meet in Vienna and maybe Austria.
