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Knowing what one cannot do is far more important than knowing what one can do.

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If I can shine, there is no need to be afraid of darkness; If I am so beautiful myself, then all fears can disappear.

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Life is mixed with various complex and beautiful flavors.

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Once a person has free time, they will waste it on trivial matters and add a lot of resentment.

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The healing of wounds on the skin takes only 21 days at most, but the recovery of emotional wounds caused by verbal violence may take a lifetime.

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What you need to overcome is your vanity, your desire to show off, and what you need to deal with is your little intelligence that always wants to stand out.

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If you have the ability to do what you want, don't wait.

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Only by taking the first step can one have the opportunity to obtain what they want.

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The so-called confidence refers to making progress step by step in things that were originally not done well.