
Mencius' Mother Moving Three Times

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The story of Mencius' mother moving three times is about the mother of Mencius, a famous ancient Chinese philosopher and educator. Mencius' mother played a very important role in his upbringing.

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At first, Mencius' family lived near a cemetery. Young Mencius often saw people mourning and performing rituals, and he imitated them, playing similar games. Mencius' mother thought this environment was not suitable for her child's growth, so she decided to move.

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They moved to a marketplace. It was very lively there, with many vendors shouting to sell their goods. Young Mencius imitated the vendors, loudly calling out and pretending to do business. Mencius' mother thought this environment was also not suitable for her child's education, so she decided to move again.

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This time, they moved near a school. The students there studied and discussed knowledge every day. Young Mencius saw this and started to imitate them, becoming fond of studying. Mencius' mother saw that her son was positively influenced and decided that this environment was the most suitable for his growth, so they settled down there.

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The story of Mencius' mother moving three times tells us that the environment has a significant impact on a person's growth and learning. Mencius' mother moved three times, despite the hardships, for the sake of her child's education, ultimately laying a solid foundation for Mencius' success.